or the .... with the Speciall Matter thereon Ariseing in Evidence;
and that in Case the Plantiff shall be non suit in such Action the
Defendant shall recover agt him Double Costs of Suit any Law
Statute Usage or Custom to the Contrary Notwithstanding. And
be it further Enacted by the same Authority Advice & Consent afd
that the Sherr. of the Same County of Calvert afsd shall after such
Surrender and Delivering up as afd Give publick Notice at the
Churches Court house and Mills in the said County of some precise
time by him the sd Sherr, and the said Two Justices to be Appointed
for the Distribution of the said Roberts Estate not Less then Twenty
Days after the time of the makeing the said Surrender, and shall then
& there in the presence of two such Justices as afd and by their advice
and Directions make Distribution of the said Robts Estate so as afsd to
be Surrendered Delivered up or transferred among such of the said
Roberts Creditors only as shall then by themselves or their Lawfull
Attorney or Attorneys think fitt to be present at such Distribution by
an Equall and proportionable Distribution thereof to Every such
Creditor with Respect and in proportion to the Largeness of his
Debt, the Proceedings of the sd Justices and Sherriffs in that behalf
to be Certifyed to the said Calvert County Court and there Lodged
for the Perusall of any the said Roberts Creditors that shall require
the same without any fee to be paid for the same or for such Lodging
thereof Saveing the right of his most sacred Majestye his heirs &
Successors & of all bodies Politick and Corporate. Provided Never-
theless that in Case the said Robt shall at any Time after the making
such his Oath as afd be Convict of wilfull and Corrupt perjury there-
upon, that then the said Robt shall upon such Conviction be Ad-
judged to Stand Two hours in the Pillory and have his Left Ear Cut
off, and shall be wholly deprived of any the Benefitts Designed him
by this Law and shall be from thence forth Liable to be prosecuted
for any Debts or Demands wtsover in the same manner as if this act
had never been made anything therein Contained to the Contrary
And whereas Philip Eilbeck of Kent County has Likewise Pe-
titioned this present Genll Assembly that for as much as he has been a
Prisoner above this Two years in Kent County and is past all hopes
of Gitting mony or finding friends to pay his Debts he may Likewise
be favoured by An Act to be past for his Relief and for that his Lying
in Coale Can be no Satisfaction to his Creditors tho' it may be his