sion reversion Remainder or in Trust or in or unto which he hath any
Claim or Interest whoever and Do within the Time afd Convey As-
sign Transfer and make Over unto the sd Sherriff of Calvert County,
for the use of the said Roberts Creditors all such his Estate Interest or
Claim as aforesaid, after such Manner as by the said Sherriff and
the Major part of the Creditors of the sd Robt or of such of them
as shall think fitt to Direct therein or his or their Councill Learned in
the Law shall be reasonably Devised or required at the Costs and
Charges of such psons as shall Claim the Benifitt thereof so as the
said Robt High be not burthened with any Warrantees thereby other
then from himself and those that Claim by from or under him and
that the said Robt at the Time of such his Surrender & Transferring
of his Estate as afd shall Take his Solemn Oath before the said
Justices so to be sumonsed as afsd to the Effect following Viz.
" I Robert High do Solemnly Swear that the Goods Debts and
Effects which I have Delivered Assigned and made over to the Sherr.
of Calvert County and in trust for the use of my Creditors, is the
whole Estate both Real and personall of my own in possession or
that I have any Title to in the world and that I have not any Estate
Goods or Effects of any Kind w'soever Left Either in Possession
Reversion or Remainder, the Necessary wareing Apparell for my
Self wife and Children Excepted and that I have not Directly nor
indirectly sold Leased or otherwise Conveyed disposed of or In-
trusted all or any part of my Estate thereby to secure the same to
receive or Expect any profitt or advantage thereof
So help me God.
It shall and may be lawfull for the Sherr. of Calvert County, after
the End of the said three months, and the said Sherr. is hereby
required to Discharge the sd Robt High out of Custody, and to Suffer
him to go at Large. And be it further Enacted by the Authority afd
by and with the advice and Consent afd that upon the sd Robt Highs
Complying with what is required of him by this Act that he the said
Robt High his heirs Executors or Admrs shall be by Vertue of this
Act, Acquitted, Exonerated, released, and Discharged, of and from
all manner of Debts, Duties, Claimes, and Demands wtsoever, that
have been Contracted by him or have arose due or become demand-
able from him at any time before the Sitting of this Genll Assembly
p. 408