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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 23   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 23

neglected or delayed to be received as aforesaid It shall & may be
law full to such Debtor or Debtors att any tyme between the twentyeth
day of November and the twentieth day of January in every yeare
during the continuance of this Act, and att no other tymes, to repaire
to the next Justice of the Peace, and there before him upon making
Oath of such Tobaccoe being ready tendered and neglected refused
or delayed to be received as aforesaid The said Justice shall and is
hereby enjoyned to appoint two sufficient honest persons of the
Neighbourhood where such Debtor dwells to view search and look att
such Tobacco so ready to be paid in discharge of the Debt and ten-
dered as aforesaid which said Two persons so appointed shall take
their Oaths to be Administred by the Justices aforesaid well & truly
to try and examine into the matter aforesaid and make reporte thereof
to the Justice aforesaid. And if upon receiving the same it be found
that the Tobacco is cleane sound and merchantable and fitt to be paid
in discharge of the debt aforesaid they shall & are hereby Impowred
& authorized to Marke the said Tobacco in hogsheads on the head
and Bulge for such Creditor aforesaid and weigh the same, and to
signifye the neat weight thereof unto the Justice aforesaid which
Tobaccoe so tendered neglected or refused, viewed marked and
weighed as aforesaid shall forever after be esteemed and taken as
the propper Tobaccoe & goods of the Creditors and in absolute dis-
charge of the debt aforesaid or of soe much thereof as the same
Tobaccoe neatly weighs. Provided that each hogshead weighs four
hundred neat and above And because many Contracts Bills and
Bonds may be of different natures and circumstances, It is Declared
and Enacted that upon every such viewing as aforesaid the Creditor
his Factor or his Attorney shall have notice thereof by the Debtor,
and that if he doe not come to the place and make knowne by shewing
the Contract or Obligacon the Circumstances or Natures of the
Contract or Obligacon If the -Tobaccoe viewed be cleane from
Trach sound & Merchantable it shall be marked and weighed in dis-
charge of such debt, be the same by what other Circumstances what-
soever And the persons in whose houses the said Tobacco lyes or
shall lye shall look after and preserve the same for one whole yeare,
as they are obliged to doe to Tobacco actually received by any
Creditor Merchant or others any Law Statute or Usage to the con-
trary in any wise notwithstanding.

C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,

An Act for Settling Assemblyes & Provinciall Courts and Erecting
a Court house att Annarrundell Towne in Annarrundell County.

Whereas it has been Represented to the Burgesses of this present
Generall Assembly as a great and Extraordinary Grievance that
persons Inhabiting the uppermost parts of this Province should be
obliged to attend Assemblyes and Provinciall Courts att the City of
St. Maryes being the Lowermost part of the Westerne side thereof,
by which meanes it doth often happen that not only many persons are

Acts of 1694,
ch. 29
by 1700,
ch. 8)

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Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 23   View pdf image (33K)
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