C. O. s,
Vol. 731,
Acts of 1694,
ch. 27
by 1700,
ch. 8)
An Act for Easement of the Inhabitants of this Province in Testa-
mentary Affaires.
Be it Enacted by the King & Queens most Excellt Matys by and
with the advice & consent of this present Genrall Assembly and the
Authority of the same that the severall & respective County [Courts]
within this Province shall & are hereby sufficiently authorised and
impowred to Pass Audite & allow all such Accompts as shall come
before them relating to dead mens Estates wherein they have
granted Letters of Administracons or Letters Testamentary not
exceeding Fifty pounds sterling. And to Transmitt the same to the
Comissry Generall For which passing of such Accounts the said
Deputy Commissry is to be allowed for Fee the Sume of Fifty pounds
of Tobaccoe & noe more. And if such Deputy Commissary, as
aforesaid, shall exact demand or receive of any person whatsoever
more then what is by this or any other Law for executing such his
office allowed him; he shall be lyable to such paines and penaltyes as
are included in a certen Act for Lymitting County Clerks Fees within
this Province. But in case it shall soe happen that any person or
persons whatsoever having any Interest or Clayme in such Estates
shall make any Objeccons to the Legallity or Justness of any Article
or Articles conteyned in the said Accounts Then the said Deputy
Commissaryes are forthwith to marke such Articles and Transmitt
the Accounts with all the Papers thereunto relating unto the Com-
missary Generall before whom all partyes concerned are to appeare
and defend their Interest.
Acts of 1694,
ch. 28
by 1700
ch. 8)
An Act for Releife of Debtors.
Whereas severall honest well disposed persons within this Prov-
ince being indebted (to divers persons Merchants & others) & well
disposed to pay the same and taking care thereof by Providing the
Tobacco. But often tymes it so happens that because imediate
Opportunity or Conveniency doth not offer to the Creditor to dispose
thereof they doe frequently refuse neglect and delay to receive the
said Tobacco in discharge of the debts whereby the Debtor remains
in debt and the Tobacco by him procured to pay the said Debt
remaines in his hands subject to all Casualties on the Debtors account
and which he dares not make use of for fear of his Creditor demand-
ing and Suing after for the debt For Remedy whereof for the future
Be it Enacted by the King & Queens most Excellent Matys by and
with the Advice & Consent of this present Genrall Assembly and the
Authority of the same That any person or persons whatsoever inhab-
iting within this Province and now being or that hereafter shall be
Indebted to any Merchants or others either Resident in or trading to
this Province, that hath his Tobaccoe ready according to the nature
of his debt he owes and is willing to pay the same, and hath offered
it to his Creditor Factor or Attorny and by him or them refused