Liber LL, 4
Acts of
Oct. 1712,
ch. 18
1708, ch. 8)
An Act reviving a Certaine Act of Assembly of this Province En-
titled an Act Ascertaining fees to the Attorneys and Practicconers
of the Law in the Courts of this Province And for levying the
Same by way of Execucon
Be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majty by and with
the Advice and Consent of her Majtys Presidt Councill and Assem-
bly of this province and the Authority of the same That the above
menconed Act Ascertaining fees to the Attorneys and practicconers
of the Law in the Courts of this province and for levying of the same
by way of Execucon made At a Session of Assembly begun and held
At the port of Annapolis November the Twenty nineth Anno Dom
One Thousand Seven Hundred & Eight be and is hereby Revived
and Continued in full force and strength from and after this prsent
Session of Assembly for three yeares and to the End of the next
Session of Assembly after the Three Yeares
Acts of
Oct. 1712,
ch. 20
p. 54
An Act for Investing Margarett the Wife of Thomas Hollingsworth
and Kathrine Wells daughters of Zorobabell Wells with as ample
an Estate of Joyntenancy in Fee Simple of in and unto Certain
Lands devised them by their Father As if the same had been Ex-
pressly soe devised them by his Will
Whereas Thomas Hollingsworth of Queen Anns County on
behalfe of his Wife Margrett the Daughter of Zorobabell Wells and
Katharine Wells One other of the sd Zorobabells daughters petic-
coned the Generall Assembly last held for this province That Whereas
it appeared by the last Will and Testament of their Father Zorobabell
Wells dated the Twenty fifth day of March Anno dom Sixteen Hun-
dred and ninety Six duely perfected proved & recorded in the Comis-
sary Generalls Office, That the said Zorobabell did thereby (amongst
other things therein Contained) Give and bequeath unto his dear and
loveing Wife Katharine Wells the Lands he then lived on dureing
her Life and after her decease to his daughter Margrett and Katha-
rine aforemenconed the Peticconers Conceived (their Mother being
dead) they had onely an Estate of Joyntenancy for Life devised them
in said Land Although they Could plainly make it appeare That it
was their said Fathers Intent That they should Enjoy an Estate in
Fee Simple in the same And That it was onely an Omission in the
writer of the said Will that Occasioned that defect All which they
prayed Liberty to prove to the sd last Assembly And Whereas the
Truth of the Peticconers suggestions are alsoe made appeare to this
prsent Generall Assembly And for that it likewise appeares That the
said last Generall Assembly were soe well Satisfied of the Justice and