Officers and Ministers as well Millitary as Civill of the Province and
all Captains & Officers of any Shipps are hereby required comanded &
enjoyned to be aiding & assisting to such their Matys Navall Officers
or Officers in discharge of their duty herein for all which the said
Officers and others assisting them shall be saved and kept harmeless
by virtue of this Act And be it further Enacted That all such Navall
Officers shall give good security to the Governr for the tyme being and
shall take their severall Oaths well & faithfully to gather the same
Impost so arising and a just & faithfull account thereof once a year
to render and give to Mr Thomas Taskar of Calvert County and Capt
William Whittington of Somersett County Publick Treasurers of
this Province by this Act authorized for receiving the said Impost
(for which they shall have for their Sallary four pounds p cent.)
that is to say the said Mr Thomas Taskar for the Westerne Shore,
and the said Capt William Whittington for the Easterne Shore, and
in case of either of their deaths to the survivor for both shores, who
are to be answerable for the same, and give Bond for the same to be
accountable and render an Account thereof to the next meeting of
Assembly who shall have the ordering and disposing of the same,
(except what shall be disposed of by this present Generall Assembly)
And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid that every
Master at the time of Entring of such Shipps or other Vessells
wherein such Liquors shall be imported as aforesaid shall render
upon oath an Account of the Quallity & Quantity of such Liquors as
aforesaid And that the severall & respective Navall Officers within
this Province for the tyme being shall at the tyme of Entring such
Shipps & Vessells as aforesaid take good & sufficient Security in their
Matys names for the payment of the Imposicon aforesaid to such
uses & purposes and in such manner and forme as by this Act is
appointed And that all persons importing any Liquors by land from
Pensylvania and not making due entry thereof or concealing the
duty hereby Imposed shall be subject to the same pains & penaltyes
as for not making due Entry or concealing any Liquors by Water
imported as aforesaid And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid
that one Act of Assembly of this Province Intituled an Act for the
Imposicon of four pence p Gallon on Liquors imported into this
Province be and is hereby utterly repealed. This Act to endure for
three yeares or to the end of the next Generall Assembly which shall
first happen.
C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,
An Act to prevent the greate Evill occasioned by the multiplicity of
horses within this Province.
Whereas it is manifest that from the great Numbers and Abun-
dance of Horses there arises many great Evills and Inconveniencyes
to the Inhabitants of this Province, as namely the small stature of
Stallions running wild doth both Lessen & spoyle the whole breed
and Streyne of all horses; but that which is most grievious and intol-
Acts of 1694,
ch. 20
by 1695,
ch. 16 and