C. O. S,
Vol. 731,
hereby declared that this Act nor any thing therein conteyned shall
extend to the charging of any Liquors whatsoever imported by Water
from Pensylvania or any other place into this Province, with more
then the Imposicon of four pence p Gallon hereby before imposed
all which dutyes ariseing by such Imposicon of Liquors as aforesaid
shall be collected & gathered by their Matys Navall Officers in their
severall & respective districts, for which they shall have for their
Sallery Eight pounds p Cent. And be it Enacted by the Authority
aforesaid that all Shipps or Vessells belonging or which shall here-
after belong to any Inhabitants of this Province, shall after the
Proclaiming of this Act importe into this Province any such Liquors
as aforesaid shall pay only half the duty imposed upon other shipps
& Vessells importing any such Liquors as aforesaid: And for the
due collecting the Duty & Impost hereby assessed Be it Enacted by
the Authority aforesaid That noe such Liquors upon which the Duty
aforesaid is assessed shall be landed or putt on shore out of any Ship
or other Vessell importing any Liquors aforesaid before due Entry
thereof made upon Oath with the Officer hereby appointed for col-
lecting the same in the Port or place where the same shall be im-
ported as aforesaid or before the Duty due & payable for the same
be satisfyed or secured to be satisfyed for the same, and a warrant
for landing the same signed by the officer for that purpose appointed
upon paine & penalty that all such Liquors so landed & put on shore
contrary to the true intent & meaning of this Act or the vallue thereof
shall be forfeited and lost one half thereof to their Matys their heires
and successors for the use of the Free Schools of this Province, the
other halfe to the Vestry of the Parish where such goods shall be
landed contrary to this Law, to be recovered in any of their Matys
Courts of Record of this Province by action of Debt Bill Plaint or
Informacon wherein no Essoyne Protection or Wager of Law to be
allowed, to be recovered of the Proprietors true Owners or Importers
thereof. And for the better Incouragement of all Masters Mer-
chants Owners and other persons whatsoever to make due Entry &
payment of the Dutys Rates & Imposts raised by this Act, in con-
sideration of Leakage and other Damages the said Officer is hereby
authorised and Impowered to make Allowance and Abatement of
Twenty Gallons p hundred for all Liquors duly Entred as aforesaid
And the said Officers hereby appointed for Collecting & gathering the
dutyes aforesaid shall and are hereby Impowred upon suspition of
any Fraud or deceite by any Importer Owner or Proprietor of such
Liquors in concealing and not making due Entry of the same to go
and enter on board any shipp or Vessell or into any House or Ware-
house on shore, and from thence to seize bring on shore or secure all
such Liquors for which the dutyes aforesaid are not duly paid or
secured to be paid as aforesaid. And that the said Officers and their
deputyes may freely stay & remaine on board until the goods are deliv-
ered and discharged out of the said Shipp or other Vessell, and all