An Act for the Naturalization of Onorio Rozilini of Annapolis
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships Governour and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority of the
same that the said Onorio Rozilini born in the Venetian Territories
but now residing in the City of Annapolis shall be from henceforth
Adjudged Reputed and Taken as a natural born subject within this
Province he having Qualified himself according to Law and that by
Virtue of this Act he be Enabled and Adjudged to all Intents and
Purposes to Demand Challenge Ask Have and Enjoy any Lands
Tenements Rents or Hereditaments whatsoever to which he might
be any ways Intituled if he had been a natural born Subject within this
Province and be enabled to maintain Prosecute Avow Justify and
Defend all and all manner of Action or Actions real or personal Suits
Plaints Pleas and other Demands whatsoever as Liberally Frankly
Freely fully Lawfully and Effectually to all Intents and purposes as
if he had been a Natural born Subject within this Province
Chap. VII
p. 44