wilful Breach or Non-Compliance with the Tenour of such Oath or
Affirmation as aforesaid, that then the said Alexander Simms, and
Archibald Johnson, or such of them as shall be convicted as afore-
said, shall, upon such Conviction, be wholly deprived of any Benefit
intended him, them, or any of them, by this Law; and shall be from
thenceforth liable to be prosecuted for any Debts or Demands what-
soever in the same Manner as if this Act, had never been made; any
thing therein contained to the contrary, notwithstanding.
Provided always, That the Sheriff of St. Mary's County, shall be
first satisfied his Imprisonment Fees, out of the respective Effects
of the said Prisoners, before any other Creditor or Creditors shall
have any Share -of the Prisoners Effects. And if the said Prisoners
Effects shall not be sufficient to pay and satisfy to the Sheriff, his
Imprisonment Fees, that then each respective Prisoner shall, after
his Releasement out of Prison, be liable to pay and Satisfy to the
Sheriff, the Residue of his Imprisonment Fees: Provided, that the
said Sheriff, shall not prosecute or imprison such Prisoner within
Two Years after his Releasment; any Thing in this Act to the con-
trary, notwithstanding.
Saving to His most Sacred Majesty, His Heirs and Successors,
the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, His Heirs and Suc-
cessors, and all Bodies Politick and Corporate, and all others not
mentioned in this Act, their several and respective Rights.
Chap. II
B. C. L.
An Act for the Relief of Ann Osburn of St Mary's County
Whereas Ann Osburn of St Maries County by her humble Petition
to the Lower House of Assembly hath sett forth that some time since
she having been warned by the Overseer of the highways to send
her Taxables to clear the Roads on Wednesday the twenty seventh day
of October last she then having had but two negroes sent one of them
who unfortunately was Killed by a tree which then fell and humbly
prayed that as the same Negroe was killed in the service of the County
She might have such Allowance made for him as should be thought
fit the truth of the Fact being Sufficiently made Appear to this Gener-
all Assembly Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary by and with the the Advice and Consent of his Lordships
Governour and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the
Authority of the same that it shall and may be Lawfull for the Jus-
tices of St Maries County Court at the November Court ensuing and
they are hereby required to Cause to be Levied on the taxable persons
of St Maries County the Quantity of Six Thousand Pounds of To-