And be it further Enacted, That any Person guilty of swearing or
affirming falsely in taking any Oath or Affirmation herein mentioned,
and that shall be thereof convicted by due Course of Law, shall suffer
and incur the Pains and Penalties which are inflicted, in Case of
wilful and corrupt Perjury, and shall never afterwards be qualified
to vote in any future Election, or be chose as a Delegate.
And be it further Enacted, That if any Person who hath or claim-
eth to have, or hereafter shall have or claim to have any Right to vote
in any such Election, shall ask, take, receive, any Money, or other
Reward, by way of Gift, Loan, or other Device: or agree, or contract
for any Gift, Employment, or other Reward whatsoever, to give his
Vote, or to refuse or forbear to give his Vote in any such Election;
or if any Person by himself, or by any Person emploied by him, doth,
or shall, by any Gift or Reward, or by any Promise or Security for
any Gift or Reward, corrupt any Person or Persons to give his or
their Vote or Votes in any such Election, or shall use any Threats
or Menaces, to induce or compel any Person or Persons to give, or
not to give, his or their Votes at any such Election; such Person so
offending, shall, for every Offence, forfeit Fiftv Pounds Current
Money of Maryland, to any Person who will sue for the same: To
be recovered, as aforesaid.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That any
Person offending against this Act, shall, within Twelve Months next
after such Election, discover any other Person or Persons offending
against this Act, so that such Persons be thereupon convicted, such
Person so discovering, and not having been before that Time con-
victed of any Offence against this Act, shall indemnified and dis-
charged from all Penalties and Disabilities which he shall then have
incurred for any Offence against this Act.
And for the more effectual Observance of this Act, Be it Enacted,
That the Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermen, shall cause the same to
be read openly, after the reading the Writ of Election, and before the
Electors proceed to vote.
And be it likewise Enacted and Provided, That all Prosecutions
for any Breach of this Act, shall be commenced within One Year
after such Breach shall be committed, and not after; any thing herein
contained to the contrary, notwithstanding.
Chap. V
p. 4
An Act for ascertaining the Form of the Oath of Judge or Justice.
Whereas, the Oath of Judge or Justice (appointed to be taken
by the Statute of the Eighteenth of Edward the Third) does not in
many particulars, provide for the Constitution of this Province,
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Gov-
ernor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same. That at some convenient Time, after the End