Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, and the
Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the
same, that upon the Election of any Member or Members to serve
for the Inhabitants of Annapolis in Assembly, every Freeholder or
other Person, claiming a Vote, shall, before he is admitted to poll at
the same Election, take the following Oath; or being one of the
People called Quakers, shall make the solemn Affirmation appointed
for. Quakers, in case the same shall be demanded by any Candidate,
or any Two of the Electors; that is to say,
I A. B. do swear, (or being a Quaker, solemnly affirm,) That I
have not received, or had, by my self, or any Person whatsoever
in Trust for me, or for my Use, directly, or indirectly, -any Sum
or Sums of Money, Office, Place, or Employment, Gift, or Reward ;
or any Promise or Security for any Money, Office, Employment,
Gift, or Reward, for giving my Vote at this Election.
Which Oath, the Mayor, Recorder, or any Alderman present, is
hereby impowered and required to administer Gratis, upon Pain to
forfeit Twenty Pounds Current Money of Maryland, to any Person
who will sue for the same: To be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill,
Plaint, or Information, with full Costs of Suit, in the Provincial, or
Anne-Arundel County Court, wherein no Essoin, Protection, or
Wager of Law, shall be allowed.
And be it further Enacted, That if the Mayor, Recorder, or any
Alderman, shall refuse to administer the said Oath, if demanded, as
aforesaid, the Mayor, Recorder, or Alderman, so refusing, shall
forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds Current Money: To be recovered,
as aforesaid, by any Person who shall sue for the same. And that
every Person who shall poll or vote at any such Election, without
having first taken the Oath, or if a Quaker, the solemn Affirmation,
if demanded, such Person shall incur the same Penalty, which the
Mayor, Recorder, or Alderman, is liable to, for the Offence above-
mentioned: To be recovered, as aforesaid.
And be it further Enacted, That the Mayor, Recorder, if present,
and every Alderman present, at every such Election, shall, im-
mediately after the reading the Writ for the Election, take and sub-
scribe the following Oath.
I A. B. do solemnly swear, That I have not, directly or indirectly,
received any Sum or Sums of Money, Office, Place, or Employment,
Gratuity, or Reward; or any Bond, Bill, Note, or any Promise, or
Gratuity whatsoever, either by my self, or any other Person to my
Use, or Benefit, or Advantage, for making any Return at the present