And sent to the Upper House with the bill Entituled an Act for
raising a Duty of three half Pence «p Hogshead on all Tobacco Ex-
ported out of this province to be Applied towards the Encouragement
of the Publick Schools within this Province Sent by Coll Belt and
three more, They return and say they Delivered the same.
The following Message [The text of this message is printed at
page 416.] Sent to the Upper House with the bill Entituled as
aforesaid by Mr Crabb and Mr Sprigg. They return and say they
Delivered the same.
A Bill Entituled an Act repealing part of an Act Entituled an Act
for laying an Imposition on Negroes and on Several Sorts of
Liquors Imported and also on Irish Servants to prevent the Import-
ing too great a Number of Irish Papists into this Province And
laying an Additional Duty on Irish Papists Read the first and second
time by an Especial Order and Passed, And sent to the Upper House
by Collo Ward and Mr Woolford, They return and say they Deliv-
ered the Same
A Bill Entituled an Act for Emitting and making Current
Seventy two thousand pounds Currant Money of Maryland in bills
of Credit read the first time & ordered to Lye on the Table.
Benj. Tasker Esqr from the Upper House Delivered to Mr Speaker'
the bill Entituled an Act for laying out the Town a New Called Marl-
borough Town &ca and the following Message. [The text of this
message is printed at page 416.]
Collo Tilghman from the Upper House Delivered Mr Speaker the
bill Entituled an Act for Erecting a Town at the bridge near the
head of Great Choptank River &c. Indorsed thus,
By the Upper House of Assembly Ist August 1732
Read the first time and Ordered to lye on the Table
Signed p Order J Ross Cl Up. Ho.