But were it otherwise instances are not wanting wherein Powers
have been given to the King of nominating Commrs even in the Case
of raising and Collecting Moneys to the most publick uses what-
soever such as the Carrying on a War for the Defence & Safety of
the Nation, as by the Act of 5th & 6th William & Mary & in other
Acts of the like nature as well as in Acts of Parliament relating
entirely to the use & benefitt of the Subject, as in the Acts for regu-
lating and Licensing Hackney Coaches and in that for the better
Admeasurement of Keel and Keel Boats in both which Acts as in
many other of the like kind the Parliament in all these Cases thought
it most Consistant with the due Execution of the Acts themselves
that the King should have the Nomination of the Commrs as may
be seen likewise in 5th & 6th Wm & Mary & 6th & 7th King William
from whence we conclude that the Rights of your house will not be in
the Least infringed nor the People prejudiced in their Libertys by
your Complying with the Amendment proposed.
Nor do we conceive that the Obligation the Country may lay under
of Supporting the Act at all Events doth in Anyways alter the
Nature of the thing for the Event or Success thereof so far as