for & even without any warrants or Entries made with some Sur-
veyors directing them to Survey no land but for a pticular pson or
psons whereby Severall People desirous of Taking up Lands have
been deterred from so doing to the Great Loss of his Lordship &
prejudice of the People.
A Committee hath been Appointed to enquire in the said Abuses
who have reported to this House that Col John Rider a Member of
your house hath been named to them as a person who can give some
Account of the said Abuses, This House therefore desires your
Honours Permission that the said Col John Rider may give the
Committee of this house what Information he can concerning the
abuses complained of
Signed p Order M Macnemara Cl. Lo. Ho.
A Message from the lower house by Mr Dashiel & three more
By the lower house of Assembly August 4th 1732
May it please Your Honours
This House in Compassion to the Sufferings and Danger of the
Distressed and Languishing Prisoners for Debt once more Apply to
Your Honours on their behalf in hopes that if their Enlargement can
be reconciled with Justice that Your Honours will no longer op-
pose it.
U. H. J.
This House conceives that the preamble to the Statute of 22d &
23d Car. 2d C: 20th exactly Suits the Condition of the prisoners now
in Confinement; and of many others who are yet at large in the
General; and that what the Parliament of England then thought fit
to do for the Relief of Distressed Prisoners for Debt may be a
president for the Assembly of Maryland to Govern itselfe by.
The Statute of the second year of his present Majesties Reign for
the Relief of Insolvent Debtors mentions such unhappy Debtors to
have always been the objects of publick Compassion, and prescribes
a method for their Enlargement Subjecting (as the Statute of 22d
& 23d of King Charles the second does) what they should Acquire
after obtaining their liberty to the payment of their debts
This house has the liberty of the poor Distressed Prisoners for
Debt now in Confinement so much at heart that We are willing to
prepare a bill on the same Plan with either of the said Statutes, which
may be most agreeable to your Honours for their Release; which,
your Honours, we hope will Concurr in, since there is so good a
foundation to build on as Two Acts of Parliament
This House is not aware of any objection of Weight, that can be
made to the Enlarging these unhappy Men, but that they have not
Complyed with the Resolutions of your House, which we believe may
have proceeded from their not having any notice of them in severall
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