the said Petitioners their Liberty; which seems so unlikely for them to
obtain, that (unless relieved by a particular Act to be passed in their
Favour, which by their said Petitions they have humbly prayed) they
must inevitably continue Prisoners for Life, and thereby their Fam-
ilies utterly ruined; And, for that the Truth of the said Petitioners
Allegations is made appear to this General Assembly, by sufficient
Testimony, and that the said Petitioners, and their Families, are
fit Objects of Charity, and that their lying in Goal can be no Benefit
to their Creditors, it is humbly prayed, that the said Petitioners may
be relieved according to their Prayer; and that it may be Enacted :
And Be It Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprie-
tary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Govern-
our, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Author-
ity of the same, That unless all, or any of the Creditor or Creditors
of the said Richard Smith, William Nimmo, George Clagett, William
Burston, James Mason, John Brooks, Benjamin Hilliard, William
Robertson, Richard Roper, John Norwood, Richard Sympson,
Thomas Taylor, Edward Hyatt, Robert Lynch, Richard Barrow,
Thomas Brown, John Clark, William Austin, Robert Cardiff, Thomas
Vernall, and Daniel Hall, or the Creditor or Creditors of any or either
of them, or the Attorney or Attorneys of such Creditor or Creditors
aforesaid within this Province, shall, within Twenty Days after the
End of this Session of Assembly, go to the Sheriffs of the aforesaid
Counties of Prince George's, Anne-Arundel, Baltemore, Kent, Talbot,
St. Mary's, and Cecil, and give good Security to pay the Imprison-
ment Fees of Ten Pounds of Tobacco per Day, that shall or may
become due from the said Richard Smith, William Nimmo, George
Clagett, William Burston, James Mason, John Brooks, Benjamin
Hilliard, William Robertson, Richard Roper, John Norwood, Rich-
ard Sympson, Thomas Taylor, Edward Hyatt, Robert Lynch, Rich-
ard Barrow, Thomas Brown, John Clark, William Austin, Robert
Cardiff, Thomas Vernall, and Daniel Hall, after the End of the said
Twenty Days; and also find the said Richard Smith, William Nimmo,
George Clagett, William Burston, James Mason, John Brooks, Ben-
jamin Hilliard, William Robertson, Richard Roper, John Norwood,
Richard Sympson, Thomas Taylor, Edward Hyatt, Robert Lynch,
Richard Barrow, Thomas Brown, John Clark, William Austin,
Robert Cardiff, Thomas Vernall, and Daniel Hall, or any or either
of them, sufficient Meat, Drink, and Cloathing, during their future
Imprisonment, in case they the said Richard Smith, William Nimmo,
George Clagett, William Burston, James Mason, John Brooks, Ben-
jamin Hilliard, William Robertson, Richard Roper, John Norwood,
Richard Sympson, Thomas Taylor, Edward Hyatt, Robert Lynch,
Richard Barrow, Thomas Brown, John Clark, William Austin,
Robert Cardiff, Thomas Vernall, and Daniel Hall, shall deliver up
and surrender, or cause to be delivered up or surrendered to the Sher-