September, Anno Domini Seventeen Hundred and Twenty Three :
As also the above mentioned Act of Assembly, entituled a Supplemen-
tary Act to the Act, entituled, An Act for the Advancement of Justice ;
made at a Session of Assembly, begun and held at the City of An-
napolis, the Twenty First Day of May, Anno Domini Seventeen Hun-
dred and Thirty; be and are hereby Revived, and shall be in full Force,
from and after the End of this Session of Assembly, for, and during
the Term of Three Years; and to the End of the next Session of
Assembly, that shall happen after the said Three Years.
An Act for Relief of Richard Smith, William Nimmo, George
Clagett, William Burston, James Mason, John Brooks, and Benja-
min Hilliard, languishing Prisoners in Prince George's County
Goal; William Robertson, Richard Roper, John Norwood, and
Richard Sympson, languishing Prisoners in Anne- Arundel County
Goal; Thomas Taylor, a languishing Prisoner in Baltemore County
Goal; Edward Hyatt, and Robert Lynch, languishing Prisoners
in Kent County Goal; Richard Barrow, Thomas Brown, John
Clark, William Austin, and Robert Cardiff, languishing Prisoners
in Talbot County Goal; Thomas Vernall, a languishing Prisoner in
St. Mary's County Goal; and Daniel Hall, a languishing Prisoner
in Cecil County Goal.
Whereas the said Richard Smith, William Nimmo, George Clagett,
William Burston, James Mason, John Brooks and Benjamin Hilliard,
William Robertson, Richard Roper, John Norwood, Richard Symp-
son, Thomas Taylor, Edward Hyatt, Robert Lynch, Richard Barrow,
Thomas Brown, John Clark, William Austin, Robert Cardiff, Thomas
Vernall, and Daniel Hall, by their humble Petition to this present
General Assembly, have severally set forth, That they have con-
tinued Prisoners for Debt, in the Custodies of the Sheriffs of the sev-
eral Counties aforesaid, viz. the said Richard Smith, William Nimmo,
George Clagett, William Burston, James Mason, John Brooks, and
Benjamin Hilliard, under the Custody of the Sheriff of Prince
George's County; William Robertson, Richard Roper, John Nor-
wood, and Ridiaid Sympsoii, under the Custody of the Sheriff ot
Anne-Arundel County; Thomas Taylor, under the Custody of the
Sheriff of Baltemore County; Edward Hyatt and Robert Lynch,
under the Custody of the Sheriff of Kent County; Richard Barrow,
Thomas Brown, John Clark, William Austin, and Robert Cardiff,
under the Custody of the Sheriff of Talbot County; Thomas Vernall,
under the Custody of the Sheriff of St. Mary's County; and Daniel
Hall, under the Custody of the Sheriff of Cecil County; and still con-
tinue in the like deplorable Circumstances, not being able to redeem
their Bodies, with all the Estate or Interest they have in the World,
which they would readily surrender up and part with to their several
and respective Creditors, if they would accept of the same, and grant
Chap. XVII
p. 17