346 Assembly Proceedings, August 19-September 6, 1731.
Hundred and Fifty Pounds of Tobacco that shall be so destroied, to
be divided between the said Persons, and so in Proportion for a
greater or lesser Quantity; which the respective Justices of the several
County Courts, are hereby impowered and required to pay out of the
Bills of Credit to be lodged in their Hands, at the Court house of
each County, and at the next County Courts after, or at any other
County Court which shall be held subsequent to such Destruction; a
List of which Receipts shall be transmitted by the respective Clerks,
to the said Commissioners, on Pain of forfeiting Ten Pounds current
Money; to be recovered and applied as aforesaid.
And Be It Further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, by and
with the Advice and Consent aforesaid, That the said Bills of Credit,
during the Continuance of this Act, shall pass in all paiments, from
one Person to another, and shall be deemed to be good Paiment for
the Value contained in them, in all Contracts whatsoever hereafter
to be made, for the Paiment of current Money, between any the In-
habitants of this Province, and also in all Contracts to be made for
current Money between any Person trading into and any other Person
within this Province, after this Act shall take Effect.
And Be It Likewise Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That it
shall and may be lawful, for the several and respective Inhabitants
of this Province, to pay and discharge Lawyers Fees in the said Bills
of Credit, during the Circulation of them, at the Rate of Ten Shillings
for every Hundred Pounds of Tobacco, and so in Proportion for a
greater or lesser Quantity; and that the several Sheriffs shall receive
such Bills of Credit, and pay them to the Persons to whom the
Tobacco shall be due, for which the said Bills of Credit shall be paid
and received; and that such Paiment in the said Bills of Credit, shall
be as conclusive and beneficial to the Debtors, as Paiment of Tobacco
in Specie would be, so as such Bills of Credit shall be paid on or before
the last Day of March Yearly, during the Continuance of this Act :
And that the Tender of the said Bills of Credit, where they are
directed to be received in Paiments, shall intitle all Persons tendering
them, to the same Advantage that a Tender of Gold and Silver would
in Law intitle them to.
p. 13
And Be It Further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the
said Bills of Credit shall pass in Paiment and Satisfaction of all Rates
and Entries and Duties, due and paiable, or which shall thereafter be
due or paiable, by Virtue of any Act of Assembly of this Province, al-
lowing in Sterling Paiments, One Hundred and Thirty Three Pounds,
Six Shillings, and Eight Pence, of Bills of Credit, for One Hundred
Pounds Sterling, for any Goods imported, or to to be imported,
(except the Penny per Pound on Tobacco, due and paiable to His
Majesty, the Rates and Duties due and paiable, or that shall hereafter
be due or paiable, to the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, the
Governor, and the Duties raised or appropriated by this Act) for
sinking the said Bills of Credit.