received by the respective Naval Officers, and accounted for, with,
and paid to, the said Commissioners; and for which, the Naval
Officers shall receive the usual Salary; and make the Importer the
Allowance of Twenty per Cent, for Leakage.
And Be It Likewise Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That for
every Gallon of Rum, Wine, and other Spirits, that shall be Im-
ported, (except from Great Britain) into this Province, after the last
Day of July, aforesaid, in any Vessel belonging to the Inhabitants
of this Province only, shall be paid by the several Importers, to the
several and respective Naval Officers, Two Pence current Money, to
be collected as other Duties herein before mentioned; and accounted
for, with, and paid to, the said Commissioners; and the same Salary
to be allowed the Naval Officers; and the same Allowance made to the
Importers, as the said recited Act directs.
And Be It Further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the
several House-keepers, or Overseers, who are allowed to tend To-
bacco Plants, shall be obliged to find and provide Wood for burning
such Tobacco, as herein before mentioned, and to bring the same
Wood and Tobacco to such convenient Place or Places, on their
Plantations as the Persons appointed to see such Tobacco destroied
shall direct and appoint, on Penalty, that every Person who shall
refuse to find and provide, and bring to convenient Place, such Wood
and Tobacco, shall forfeit Ten Shillings current Money of Maryland,
for every Hundred and Fifty Weight of Tobacco directed by this
Act to be destroied, One Half thereof to the Lord Proprietary, to be
applied towards the sinking Fund, mentioned in this Act, to be ac-
counted for, and paid to the said Commissioners for that Purpose,
and the other Half to the Persons to be appointed to burn and destroy
such Tobacco, as aforesaid; to be recovered before any single Magis-
trate, as in the Case of small Debts; and the Oaths of the Persons to
be appointed as aforesaid, shall be allowed as Evidence to prove
the Fact.
And Be It Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the Persons
to be appointed to burn and destroy Tobacco, according to the Direc-
tions of this Act, in each respective Precinct, shall give each and
every House-keeper, or other Person within their Precinct, allowed
to tend Tobacco Plants, a Receipt for the Quantity of Tobacco that
shall be destroied, as aforesaid; and also return to the several Justices,
at their next Court, a fair List of the several Quantities of Tobacco
by them destroied; which Lists are, by the said Justices, to be com-
pared with the Counters List, lodged with their Clerk, in order to
discover whether the full Quantities enjoined by this Act to be, shall
be destroied, which Receipt shall intitle every such House-keeper, or
other Person, or his or her Order, to receive Fifteen Shillings in the
said Bills of Credit, for every One Hundred and Fifty Pounds of To-
bacco so destroied; and that the Persons appointed to destroy, or
cause such Tobacco to be destroied, shall be paid Six Pence for every
p. 12