Printed by
Parks, 1731
p. 3
At a Session of Assembly, begun and held at the City of Annapolis,
in Maryland, the Nineteenth Day of August, 1731, the following
Laws were Enacted.
An Act for easing sundry Inhabitants of this Province, who are
Owners of Vessels, from some Difficulties they are put to, by an
Act, entituled, a Supplementary Act to the Act, entituled, an
Act for laying an Imposition on Negroes, and several Sorts of
Liquors imported; and also on Irish Servants, to prevent the Im-
porting too great a Number of Irish Papists into this Province.
Forasmuch, as it appears to this General Assembly, That the Owner
or Owners of any Vessel belonging to this Province, may, by the Act
of Assembly aforesaid, be put to very great Inconveniences, where
they live remote from any Naval-Officer, or have Occasion to make
Entry of such Vessel in any other Port of this Province, than where
such Owner or Owners reside, by their being obliged to go to the
Naval-Officer of the Port where such Entry is made, to prove their
Property in said Vessel :
Be It Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and the
Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the
same, That an Oath made by the Owner or Owners of any Vessel,
before a Magistrate, in any County where any such Owner or Owners
shall reside, agreeable to the Form of the Oath prescribed by the
beforementioned Act, and a Certificate thereof, under the Hand and
Seal of the Magistrate who shall administer the same, shall be taken
and allowed to be as good and effectual, to all Intents and Purposes
whatsoever, and shall entitle the Owner or Owners of such Vessel,
and all others concerned, to the same Priviledges and Allowances, as
if the said Oath had been taken before the Naval-Officer of the Port
where such Vessel hath or shall be entered.
Provided always, That a Certificate of the Taking such Oath,
under the Hand and Seal of the Magistrate who shall take the same,
shall be delivered to the Naval-Officer where any Entry is or shall be
made, some Time before the Clearing such Vessel.
And, Whereas it may happen, That the Owners of a Vessel may
reside in different Counties in this Province, so that they cannot con-
veniently meet together, to make Oath to their Property, before one
Magistrate :