pounds Currant Mony of Maryland in bills of Credit &c. Indorsed
By the Upper House of Assembly 6th September 1731
The Engrossed bill whereof this is the Original is read & As-
sented to
Signed p Order J Ross Cl Up Ho.
The Treasurer of the Western Shore is Ordered to make the pay-
ment to the Several Persons Allowed in the Mony Journal
Mr Beale and Mr Key were Ordered to go and acquaint the Gov-
erneur, that nothing of Moment lay before this House to Transact,
They return and acquaint Mr Speaker they Delivered their Message.
Philemon Lloyd and Benjamin Tasker Esqrs from the Upper
House Acquaint Mr Speaker that the Governeur requires him and
the rest of the Members of this House to Attend him Immediately at
his House, they withdrew
Mr Speaker and the rest of the Members of this House went to the
Governour's House.