An Act to Record and make Valid a Deed of Bargaine and Sale from
James Gould and Elizabeth his Wife to William Scot and Sarah
his Wife.
Whereas it hath been made Appear to this present Generall As-
sembly by William Merson of Queen Anns County a minor that the
said Petitioners Father formerly purchased from a Certain John
Atkinson and Elizabeth his Wife the Moiety or half part of a Tract
or parcell of Land Called Middle Plantation then Lying in Talbot
County but now in Queen Anns County which said John Atkinson
had right unto the said Land by Devise from a Certain Robert
Robertson which said Robert Robertson purchased the said Land
from a Certain William Scot and Sarah his wife who before that
purchased the Same from a Certain James Gould and Elizabeth his
Chap. VII
Liber L, 5
p. 410