166 Assembly Proceedings, May 21-June 16, 1730.
And Be It Further Enacted, That every Person, who already hath,
or hereafter shall take up, pay for, and build on any of the Lots, laid
out by Virtue of the Act of Assembly aforesaid, their Heirs and As-
signs for Ever, shall, after the Agreement now subsisting between the
Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, and the People of this
Province, for the Payment of his said Lordships Quit-Rents and
Alienation Fines, shall determine or ceaje, shall be chargeable with,
and liable to the Payment of One Penny Current Money for each Lot
so taken up, paid for, and built on, to the Right Honourable the
Lord Proprietary, and his Heirs, for Ever. And that the Clerk of
St. Mary's County, yearly transmit to his Lordship's Agent for the
Time being, an Account of all the Lots so taken up, paid for, and
built on, according to the Directions of the said Act.
Chap. III
An Act to enable the High Court of Appeals to continue an Appeal
therein, depending between Edward Fotterell, and Anne his Wife,
late Anne Lloyd, Appellants; and David Robinson, and Judith
his Wife, John Robinson, and Grace his Wife, and Rebecca Tib-
bies, Defendants.
Whereas, there is an Appeal depending in the High Court of Ap-
peals, between Edward Fotterell, and Anne his Wife, late Anne
Lloyd, Appellants; and David Robinson, and Judith his Wife, John
Robinson, and Grace his Wife, and Rebecca Tibbies, Defendants;
which, by the Laws of this Province, cannot continue longer than the
Court now Sitting.
p. 27
And Whereas, the Trial of the said Cause, at this Time, would
be a great Obstruction to the Publick Affairs of the Province, the
Members of the said Court being Members of the Upper House of
Assembly, and some of the Lawyers employed therein, being Mem-
bers of the Lower House. And that it is not reasonable, that the
Concerns of the whole Province should be delayed for the Sake of
dispatching one particular Cause :
Be It Therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord
Proprietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governour, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and
the Authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful for the
High Court of Appeals; and the said Court is, by Virtue of this Act,
impowered to continue the same Cause, to such other Time as to
them shall seem meet. Any Law, Usage, or Custom to the contrary,
Chap. VI
An Act for the laying out of Land, and erecting a Town at a Place
called Broxen's Point, in Caecil County.
Whereas, the Inhabitants of Caecil County, by their humble Peti-
tion to the Legislature of this Province, have set forth. That about
Midway of Bohemia River, on the South Side thereof, at a Place