Decree obtained for the Payment of any Debt, Damage, or Cost; or
for, or by Reason of any Debt, Damage, or Cost contracted, occurred,
occasioned, owing, or growing due before the End of this Session of
Assembly; but that upon every Arrest on any such Judgment or
Decree, or for any such Debt, Damage, or Cost, it shall and may be
lawful for the Judges or Justices of the Court, where any Process
shall issue, upon shewing a Duplicate of the Discharge of the said
Thomas Worsley, Benjamin Freeman, John Vines, John Cornelius,
Thomas Howard, Thomas Jacks, John Nicholson, James Mackin-
tosh, Thomas Palmer, William Gray, Thomas Davis, John Smith,
Anthony Oneallis, John Libby, and Alice Macklin, or any of them
that shall be so arrested, to release and discharge out of Custody, the
said Thomas Worsley, Benjamin Freeman, John Vines, John Cor-
nelius, Thomas Howard, Thomas Jacks, John Nicholson, James
Mackintosh, Thomas Palmer, William Gray, Thomas Davis, John
Smith, Anthony Oneallis, John Libby, and Alice Macklin, or any of
them that shall be so arrested :
Provided, That the said Thomas Worsley, Benjamin Freeman,
John Vines, John Cornelius, Thomas Howard, Thomas Jacks,
John Nicholson, James Mackintosh, Thomas Palmer, William Gray,
Thomas Davis, John Smith, Anthony Oneallis, John Libby and Alice
Macklin, or any of them, that shall be so arrested, shall and do
enter his or her Appearance, or procure some Attorney to appear to
every such Action, and plead thereto.
Provided, That the Discharge of the said Thomas Worsley, Benja-
min Freeman, John Vines, John Cornelius, Thomas Howard, Thomas
Jacks, John Nicholson, James Mackintosh, Thomas Palmer, Wil-
liam Gray, Thomas Davis, John Smith, Anthony Oneallis, John
Libby, and Alice Macklin, or any of them, shall not acquit any other
Person from such Debt, Damage, or Cost, or any Part thereof: But
that all such Persons shall be answerable for the same, in such Man-
ner as they were before the passing of this Act.
Provided Always, and be it Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid,
That notwithstanding the Discharge of the said Thomas Worsley,
Benjamin Freeman, John Vines, John Cornelius, Thomas Howard,
Thomas Jacks, John Nicholson, James Mackintosh, Thomas Palmer,
William Gray, Thomas Davis, John Smith, Anthony Oneallis., John
Libby, and Alice Macklin, all and every Debt or Debts due or owing
from them, and every of them, and all and every Judgment had
and taken, or Decree obtained against them, or any of them, shall
stand and be good and effectual in the Law, to all Intents and Pur-
poses, against the Lands and Tenements, Hereditaments, Goods,
and Chatties of them, and every of them, which they, or any of them,
or any other Person in Trust, or to the Use of them, or any of them,
at the Time of the Discharge of the said Thomas Worsley, Benja-
min Freeman, John Vines, John Cornelius, Thomas Howard, Thomas
p. 22