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City of Annapolis, for the Use of their said Creditors, all such their
Estate, Interest, or claim as aforesaid, after such Manner, as by the
said Sheriffs, and the major Part of the said Creditors, or of such of
them as shall think fit to direct therein, or their Council learned in
the Law, shall reasonably devise or require, at the Costs and Charges
of such Persons as shall claim the Benefit thereof, so as the said
Thomas Worsley, Benjamin Freeman, John Vines, John Cornelius,
Thomas Howard, Thomas Jacks, John Nicholson, James Mackin-
tosh, Thomas Palmer, William Gray, Thomas Davis, John Smith,
Anthony Oneallis, John Libby, and Alice Macklin, be not burthened
with any Waranties thereby, other than from themselves, or those
that claim by, from, or under them; and that the said Thomas Wors-
ley, Benjamin Freeman, John Vines, John Cornelius, Thomas
Howard. Thomas Jacks, John Nicholson, James Mackintosh, Thomas
Palmer, William Gray, Thomas Davis, John Smith, Anthony Oneallis,
John Libby, and Alice Macklin, and either of them, at the Time of
such their Surrender, and transferring their Estate as aforesaid,
shall take his or their solemn Oath, or Oaths, (or Affirmation, if a
Quaker) before the said Two Justices of the respective Counties
aforesaid, to be summoned as aforesaid, to the Effect following, viz.
I A. B. do affirm or solemnly swear, That the Goods, Debts, and
Effects which I have delivered, assigned, and made over to the
Sheriff of .... County, and in Trust, for the Use of my Creditors,
is the whole Estate both Real and Personal of my own, in Pos-
session, or have any Title to in the World: And that I have not
any Fstate, Goods, or Effects of any kind whatsoever left, either
in Possession, Reversion, or Remainder, (the necessary wearing
Apparel for my self, Wife, and Children, excepted:) And that I
have not directly or indirectly sold, leased, or otherwise conveyed,
disposed of or intrusted, all or any Part of my Estate, thereby to
secure the same, to receive or expect any Profit or Advantage
thereof. So help me God.
It shall and may be lawful for the Sheriffs of the respective
Counties aforesaid, after the End of the said Twenty Days; and the
said Sheriffs are hereby required to discharge the said Thomas
Worsley, Benjamin Freeman, John Vines, John Cornelius, Thomas
Howard, Thomas Jacks, John Nicholson, James Mackintosh, Thomas
Palmer, William Gray, Thomas Davis, John Smith, Anthony
Oneallis. John Libby, and Alice Macklin, out of their Custody, and
to suffer them to go at Large.
And Be It Further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the
said Thomas Worsley, Benjamin Freeman, John Vines, John -Cor-
nelius, Thomas Howard, Thomas Jacks, John Nicholson, James
Mackintosh, Thomas Palmer, William Gray, Thomas Davis, John
Smith, Anthony Oneallis, John Libby, and Alice Macklin, nor any of
them, shall hereafter be imprisoned, by Reason of any Judgment or