Whereas this House is Informed that Mr Richard Lee Sherrif
of Prince Georges County hath during the Sitting of this Assembly
beat and Abused Some Languishing Prisoners in his Custody and
threatned others with Cruel and Severe Usage for Petitioning the
Assembly for their Liberty and this House having taken the said
Information into Consideration and being of Opinion that if the
Same be true such Treatment is inhuman Cruel and a Violation of the
Libertys of the Brittish Subject as also an Insult on and a Violent
breach of the Priviledges of this House.
It is Ordered and Resolved by this House that Mr Ralph Crabb and
Mr Edward Sprigg Justices of the Peace of Prince Georges County
and Members of this House Repair in some Convenient time to the
Gaol of the said Sherrif And in his the said Sherrifs presence
Examine' the prisoners and such other Persons as Can Inform
them of the Truth of the Complaint made against the said Sherrif
and return the Examinations to be by them taken to this House the
next Session of Assembly in Order to be Considered, and if they
find the facts Charged Against the said Sherrif to be true that they
Cause him to Enter into Recognizance with Sufficient Suritys to be of
good behaviour and to keep the peace in the Interim with all the good
people of this Province Especially to the said prisoners.
The House Adjourned untill Two of the Clock in the Afternoon.
Monday at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon.
The House met according to Adjournment. The Members were
Called and all Present that were in the Morning.
Collo Rider from the Upper House delivered to Mr Speaker the
Journal of the Committee of Accounts Read & Assented to by the
Upper House of Assembly