The following Message [The text of this message is printed
at page 58. ] Was Sent to the Upper House by Cap" Gordon & Mr
Hemsley Who return and say they delivered the Same.
Collo Holland from the Upper House delivered to Mr Speaker
the paper bill Entituled an Act to Ascertain the fees of Practitioners
of the Law &c Endorsed thus.
By the Upper House of Assembly 13th June 1730
The Engrossed bill Whereof this is the Original is read & Assented
Signed p Order Jno Ross Cl. Up. Ho.
Coll. Rider from the Upper House delivered to Mr Speaker the
paper bill Entituled an Act for the Releif of John Smith a Languish-
ing Prisoner in Cecil County Gaol.
The Paper Bill Entituled a Supplementary Act to the Act En-
tituled an Act for the Establishment of religious Worship &c.