94 Assembly Proceedings, October 10-30, 1727.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice, and Con-
sent aforesaid, That after the building and finishing the said Court
house, Charles County-court shall be held in such new Court-house,
and not elsewhere; and such new House shall be taken and deemed
to be the proper Court-house of Charles County. And the Justices
of the said County, are hereby impowered and required with all
convenient Speed, after finishing the said new Court-house at Port-
Tobacco Creek as aforesaid, to remove, or cause to be removed
from the old Court-house of the said County, to such Court-house
as aforesaid, to be built in the said County, all the Record-Books,
Rolls, Papers, and other Records to the said County-court belong-
ing; and that they cause a List of the said Records to be Signed
by the Clerk of the said County, and enter'd upon Record among
their Proceedings.
And be it further Enacted, by and with the Advice and Consent
aforesaid, That the Justices of the said County-court, or the major
Part of them, are hereby authorized, impowered, and required (after
building and finishing the new Court-house as aforesaid.) to make
Sale of the old Court-house and Prison, with the Land thereto be-
longing, to the best Purchaser or Purchasers, and to convey an
Estate thereof in Fee-simple, to them, their Heirs, and Assigns for
ever :
[Chap. XII-
XX were
laws; text
has not been
And that the Money or Tobacco that shall arise by the Sale
thereof, shall be applied to the Use of the County, towards defray-
ing the Charge thereof; any Law, Statute, Usage or Custom to the
contrary, notwithstanding.
Chap. XXI
p. 23
An Act for Relief of William Maria Farthing, a languishing Pris-
oner in St. Mary's County, John Conoway, W. Jones, John Cook,
Philip Anthony Ussleman, Samuel Glover, and Lawrence Hays,
languishing Prisoners in Anne-Arundel County, John Peddy-
coat, a languishing Prisoner in Baltemore County, John Wood,
a languishing Prisoner in Anne-Arundel County, Thomas Hill,
a languishing Prisoner in Talbot County, Clarina Gilly, a lan-
guishing Prisoner in Calvert County. John Glassington, a lan-
guishing Prisoner in Baltemore County, and Avinio Butler, a
languishing Prisoner in Talbot County.
Whereas William Maria Farthing, of St. Mary's County, John
Conoway, William Jones, John Cook, Samuel Glover, and Law-
rence Hays, of Anne-Arundel County, John Peddycoat, of Balte-
more County; John Wood, of Anne-Arundel County; Thomas Hill,
of Talbot County; Clarina Gilly, of Calvert County; John Glass-
ington, of Baltemore County; and Avinio Butler, of Talbot County ;
have (by their humble Petitions to this present General Assembly,)
severally set forth, That they have continued Prisoners for Debt in
the Custody of the Sheriffs of the several Counties aforesaid; viz.