the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of
the same, That the Commissioners of the several County-courts of
this Province, are hereby impowered and directed to make an Allow-
ance of Two Thousand Pounds of Tobacco in the Levy to be laid
for each respective County, next after this present Session of
Assembly; and that the said Two Thousand Pounds of Tobacco
so to be allowed and assessed as aforesaid, shall be collected by the
Sheriff of each respective County, and paid by him, free from all
Charges of Collection, to the said William Parks, or his Order, for
the Printing, and Stitching, and Delivering a Copy of the Publick
Laws, Speeches, and Answers made at this present Session of
Assembly, to every Member of Assembly, and Commissioner of the
Peace for the Time being, and a Copy of such Laws (bound in
Leather) to the Publick, and each House of Assembly, and to each
County-court of this Province.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Commissioners of each County-court in this Province, during the
Continuance of this Act, be and are hereby impowered and directed,
at every Time of laying the Levy, in each respective County, after
the End of this present Session of Assembly, to allow the Quantity
of Two Thousand Pounds of Tobacco, Annually to the said Wil-
liam Parks, or his Order, for the Purposes aforesaid, which the
said Justices arc hereby impowered to levy upon the Inhabitants
of the several Counties, with the Sheriffs Salary for Collection
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Commissioners of each Court of the respective Counties, who have
not already paid and allowed to the said William Parks, the said
Quantity of Two Thousand Pounds of Tobacco, for Printing the
Laws made at the Sessions of Assembly held in the Months of
March and July as aforesaid, shall be and are hereby impowered
and directed to allow the said Two Thousand Pounds of Tobacco
to the said William Parks, in the Levy to be laid next after this
present Session of Assembly, over and above the Two Thousand
Pounds of Tobacco to be allowed him as aforesaid, for this present
Session of Assembly.
This Act to continue in Force until the Twenty first Day of
March which shall be in the Year of our Lord One Thousand
Seven Hundred and Thirty Two.
Chapter IX
p. 15
[Altered by
1730, ch, 2]
An Act declaring the Bounds of Two Acres of Land, heretofore
granted to Great-Choptank Parish, on which the Chapel in
Vienna now stands.
Whereas at a Session of Assembly, begun and held at the City
of Annapolis, the Sixth Day of October, Anno Domini Seventeen
Hundred and Twenty Five, an Act was made, Investing the Vestry