all the Numerous Vertues of his most Glorious father are Inherent
and will most Effectually operate for the preservation of the Lives
and Religion Liberties and Properties, of all the Subjects of Great
Brittain, whereby that Imperiall Kingdom will acquire a Superior
Influence over all the Neighbouring nations.
We Gratefully accept your Excellencys Congratulation upon these
our happy Circumstances and with Joyful hearts Joyn in fixing our
thoughts upon the Pleasing Prospect of a lasting Continuance of
these Inestimable blessings to the latest Posterity under the Govern-
ment and Protection of a numerous Succession in his Majesty's
Royall Family.
The great Care and Dilligence your Excellency has been pleased
to use in Causeing our present most Gracious Sovereign King
George the Second to be Proclaimed with the utmost Decency our
present Circumstances would Admitt requires Our most hearty
And we do Assure your Excellency that we shall heartily and
readily Joyn in an address to his most Sacred Majesty to show our
gratefull Acknowledgments of the Divine blessing upon his happy
Accession to the Throne of his Ancestors.
It is with great Pleasure we observe the Satisfaction you have
been pleased to Express at the Reception the People of this province
have been able to give your Excellency since your Arrivall, and only
want some favourable opportunitys to show how much our Incli-
nacons exceed our Abilities in merritting the Character of being
Loyal to our King and Dutyfull to the Lord Proprietary and
respectful to your self; which we are sensible will be the surest way
to Preserve our Ecclesiasticall and Civil Rights and Priviledges.
We have a plain Indication of your Excellencys sincere intention
to promote the good and wellfare of the People of this Province in
that you have been pleased in Severall Paragraphs of your Speech
so Earnestly to Recommend to our Consideracon such things as
when perfected must certainly be Conducive to that good end, of
which wee shall allways retain a Gratefull remembrance and with
the utmost Dilligence apply ourselves to the Consideration of them
and all such other matters as shall occur to us for the Public Wel-
fare and Endeavour to do therein what shall appear necessary for
the good of this Province and suitable to the Present Circumstances
Your Excellencys pressing invitation to pursue our real interest
we shall carefully Observe and your Kind Advice to Avoid strife
and Contention (delivered in so obliging a manner) we sincerely
hope will have its desired Effect.
U. H. J.