88 Assembly Proceedings, October 10-30, 1727.
Twenty Days after the Tobacco shall be cut down and housed, on
Pain of forfeiting Four Hundred Pounds of Tobacco for every
Person employ'd in making Tobacco on such Plantation or Place;
one Moiety to be applied towards supporting the Publick School of
the County where the Fact shall be committed, and the other Moiety
to any Person or Persons that will sue for the same; to be recovered
in the County-court, where the Penalty shall exceed Four Hundred
Pounds of Tobacco, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information,
wherein no Essoyn, Protection, or Wager of Law shall be allowed :
And where the Penalty shall not exceed Four Hundred Pounds of
Tobacco, that the same shall be recovered by the Prosecutor, to his
own Use, before a single Magistrate.
And be it further Enacted, That no Person having the Rule and
Direction of any Plantation, shall sow, or cause or suffer to be
sowed, any Tobacco-seed in Hills, on Pain of forfeiting Four Hun-
dred Pounds of Tobacco for every Thousand Hills that shall be
sowed with Tobacco-seed; to be recovered and applied in the same
Manner as the Penalties for false Packing and false Taring are.
And be it further Enacted, That all Persons that sell or pay away
their Tobacco shall be obliged to roll the same within one Mile at
the least of some convenient Landing, within five Days after being
thereunto requested by an Order in Writing under the Hand of the
Proprietor, Agent, or Receiver of such Tobacco; which said Order
shall be a sufficient Justification for the Parties Rolling it, if not
prevented by the Act of God, on pain of forfeiting the Quantity of
One Hundred Pounds of Tobacco, for every Hogshead that shall
not be so rolled; to be recovered by the Party grieved, or by any
other Person or Persons that will inform and prosecute for the
same, to his and their own Use, in the same manner as small Debts
are recoverable before a single Magistrate; for which such Person
shall be allowed after the rate of Six Pence per Mile, for every
Hogshead of Tobacco that shall be so rolled; to be recovered of the
Party who signs the Order for Rolling of the Tobacco, before a
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single Magistrate. And that all Persons shipping their own To-
bacco, shall be obliged to roll the same within one Mile of some
convenient Landing; under the like Penalties with those that sell
or pay away their Tobacco; to be recovered by any Person that will
prosecute for the same, before a single Magistrate, where the Pen-
alty shall not exceed Four Hundred Pounds of Tobacco; and where
it shall exceed that Quantity, to be recovered in the County-court,
by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, wherein no Essoyn,
Protection, or Wager of Law to be allowed. The one Half thereof
to the use of publick Schools in the several Counties where such
Forfeiture shall arise, the other Half to the Informer, or him or
them that shall inform and prosecute for the same. Any Law,
Usage, or Custom to the contrary, notwithstanding.