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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 78   View pdf image (33K)
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78 Assembly Proceedings, October 10-30, 1727.

L. H. J.
p. 66

Ordered that Capt Gordon and Capt Dent go to his Honr the
Govr and Desire to Know when and where he will be pleas'd to
receive the Address of
They return and say that ..... Govr will ....

October 27

[Friday, October 27, 1727]

An Engrost f or the ...... Levin Gale Exrs of Levin .... Deceas'd
and one other for the Payment of white Criminall Servants fees.
Are Sent to the Upper House p Mr Crabb and Mr Matthews.
They return and Say they Delivered the Same
John Hall Esqr from the Upper House Delivers Mr Speaker the
Petition of Sarah Massey thus Endorsed Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly Octr 27th 1727

Read and referr'd to the Consideration of the Lower House of
Sign'd p Order Geo: Plater Cl: Upr Ho.

p, 67

A Bill for the Naturalization of Peter Montgomery of Charles
County Planf and his Children. & A Bill in favour of Mary Mar-
shall were Severally read the first and Second times by Especial
Order and Past which were so Endorst and Sent to the Upper House
by Coll. Maxwell and Mr Hawkins.

p. 68

They return and say they Delivered........
The Petition of the Vestry of Wm [and Mary Parish in] Charles
County was .....
An Engrost Bill for the Relief of Peter Carmeck was read and
Assented to and was so Endorst and Sent to the Upper House by
Majr Maiden and Mr Johnson.
They return and say they Delivered it
A Bill in favour of William Ford was read the first and Second
times by Especiall Order and Past and was so Endorst and Sent to
the Upper House by Mr Beale and Mr Warfield. They return and
say they Delivered it.
Phillip Lee Esqr from the Upper House Delivers Mr Speaker the
Paper Bill of the Engrost Bill for the Relief of Peter Carmeck thus
Endorst Viz.

..... have Examined .... by Mr Samuel .... thereof, the said
..... Stated, which ...... hereunto Annexed in ...... and their
p Order Charles Worthington Cl: Com. Accts

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 78   View pdf image (33K)
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