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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 76   View pdf image (33K)
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76 Assembly Proceedings, October 10-30, 1727.

L. H. J.

the Dispatch of Publick Business, than your Honrs Complyance with
this our Present humble Request.
Sign'd p Ordr of the House
Octr 25th 1727 John Mackall Speaker

Robert Gordon Esqr and Capn George Dent are sent to his Honr
the Govr to Know when and where he will be Pleased to Receive
the same.

p. 61

...... and Say that he will Receive it at his ....... Presented to
his ..... and sixteen other ..... Deliver'd it .... the first time .....
.... Morning Nine a Clock

October 26

[Thursday, October 26, 1727]

..... Publick Proceedings ..... the Publishing the same ..... in
a Bill for the Emitting Paper Currency ..... Put whether a Bill be
brought in or not ..... Affirmative
Ordered that a Bill be Prepared Accordingly.
An Engrost Bill Declaring the Bounds of Two Acres of Land
heretofore Granted to Great Choptank Parish was read & Assented
to and was so Endorsed and Sent to the Upper House p Capn Rider
& Mr Pritchet.
They return and say they Deliver'd it
John Rousby Esqr from the Upper House Delivers Mr Speaker
the Bills. To Record a Deed from Mary Bateman & Henry Scar-
borough to Coll: Richd Perry. To Record a Deed from Mary Orrell
to John Bickerton.

Severally thus Endorsed Viz. [The text of this endorsement
will be found at page 39.]

p 62

And Delivers the Paper Bill of the Engrost Bill Declaring the
Bounds of Two Acres of Land Granted to Great Choptank Parish
thus Endorsed Viz.

By the Upper House of Assembly Octr 26th 1727

The Engrost Bill whereof this is the Original is read and As-
sented to by this House
Sign'd p Ordr Geo: Plater Cl: Up. Ho.

p. 63

[Phillip] Lee Esqr from the Upper House Delivers.........Bill
for Dividing St. Pauls.........with the following [The text of this
message will be found at page 40.]
A Bill for Building a New Church in St Pauls Parish in Balte-
more County was read the first and Second times by Especial Order
and Past which was so Endorst and Sent to the Upper House by Mr
Hamilton and Mr Scott.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 76   View pdf image (33K)
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