Journal of (1728), 246, 249, 260, 261;
(1729), 374, 385, 386, 444, 449, 451; of public
officers (1728), 167.
Continued (1725, ch. 22), 593.
In Great Britain for province (1729), 330,
354, 36i, 411, 432, 438.
Relief of (1725, ch. 3), 576.
Of land (1717, ch. 7), fines on, how paid,
513, recorded 516.
All Hallows.
Parish, Anne Arundel County (1728, ch.
15), 140, 175; (1729, ch. 10), 314, 346, 347, 351,
389, 397, 422, 424, 425, 428, 430, 462.
Lots in (1725, ch. 7), 578; (1727), petition
of inhabitants on right of commonage, 18;
petition of corporation as to town lands, 20;
oath of officers, 67, 70, 81; market house
(1728, ch. 9), 154, 160, 175, 208, 216, 249, 254,
255, 257, 282, 283; disputed title to land in,
198, 204, 230; oath of officers of city, 266;
members from (1729), 391; petition of in-
habitants (1729), 397; see St. Ann's church.
Anne Arundel County.
Records (1723, ch. 20), 569; part of Balti-
more County annexed to (1726, ch. i), 594;
debtors in (1727, ch. 21), n, 12, 15, 32, 62, 63,
73, 91; debtors in (1728, ch. 21), in, 114,
151, 176, 193, 197, 198, 199, 202, 210, 291 to 297 ;
(1729, ch. 23), 313, 314, 354, 355, 360, 364, 367,
372, 395, 398, 407, 432, 436, 438, 439, 440, 442,
/I /I /I, 483; members from (1729), 391; see AU
Hallows, Queen Caroline, St. Ann's, St.
Paul's and Westminster parishes.
To council from chancery (1718, ch. 10),
524; (1729, ch. 3), 310, 312, 319, 325, 387;
continuance of cases in court of (1722, ch.
7), 557; (1728), 161, 255; from common law
courts (1729, ch. 3), 318-320, 325, 387, 393,
399, 400, 403, 404, 406, 453.
Arms and Ammunition.
Purchase of (1717, ch. 7), 512, 517.
Tax for (1729), 435.
Assembly, Upper House.
(1727), members of, 3; (1728), 103; allow-
ance of members, 121, 123, 126, 218, 221, 222,
251, 252; charges of, 156, 158; end of session,
68, 174, 259, 263; (1729), answer to Gover-
nor's speech, 312, 315.
Assembly, Lower House.
(1727), members of, 57, 58, 59, 7o; leaves
of, 59; committees, 59, 68; (1728), members,
104, no, 178, 180, 188, 198, 204, 206, 207, 208,
210, 214, 215; rights of, 113, 114; allowance
of, 121, 126, 209, 218, 222, 251, 252; privileges
of, 180, 193, 201, 202; committees, privileges
of, 180, 183, 189, 199; committee of aggriev-
ances, rights of, 193; (1729), members of,
allowances to, 375, 382; prorogued (1727), 56,
(1728), 305; (1729), 390; rules of order
(1728), 182; members excused from attend-
ance (1728), 202, 204, 212, 230, 239, 244;
charges against members (1728), 213, 240;
printing proceedings (1728), 121, 124, 132,
136, 189, 220, 221, 226; members (1729), 311,
341, 391, 392, 394, 395, 400, 402, 420, 428, 429;
members excused attendance (1729), 393, 395,
397, 399, 402, 406, 407, 418, 421, 437.
(1723, ch. 12), 563.
Assize Law.
(1727), 6, 59.
(1727), 10, 15, 20, 72 (1728), 226. Qualifi-
cation, see also John Beale, act for relief of.
Attorneys' Fees.
(1725, ch. 22), 584; (1729, ch. 22), 352,
360, 363, 370, 389, 401, 407, 423, 424, 425,
429, 431, 437, 438, 440, 441, 483-
Baltimore County.
Court, adjournment of (1717, ch. 4), 516;
(1722, ch. ii ), 557; part annexed to Anne
Arundel County (1726, ch. i), 594; (1727),
debtors in (1727, ch. 21), n, 21, 62, 68, 91;
(1728), free school, 89, no, 190; debtors
(1729, ch. 16), 312, 355, 359, 388, 394, 433,
434, 438, 440, 471; see St. Paul's Parish and
Baltimore Town.
Laid out (1729, ch. 12), 315, 331, 334, 351,
388, 396, 397, 411, 415, 418, 425, 428, 429, 464.
(1727, ch. 2), 83; (1728, ch. 4), 275.