598 Assembly Proceedings, 1714-1726.
ince, out of that Part of the Kingdom of Great-Britain, called
Wales, and settle within this Province; such Person or Persons,
and their Servants, or any Slaves that they may or shall purchase at
any Time within Ten Years hereafter mentioned, shall not be
deemed, reputed or taken as Taxable Persons within this Province,
but shall be exempt and exonerated from the Paying of any Levies
for the Space of Ten Years from the Time of such Person or
Persons and their Servants coming into this Province; any Law,
Statute, Usage or Custom to the contrary thereof, in any wise, not-
Provided always, And it is the true Intent and Meaning of this
Act, That if any Person or Persons, and their Servants, so trans-
porting themselves into this Province, or their Slaves, shall at any
Time within the said Term of Ten 'Years after such their coming
into and settling in this Province, plant or tend any Tobacco, such
Person or Persons so planting and tending Tobacco, their Servants
and Slaves shall from thenceforth be excluded and deprived of any
the Benefits and Priviledges of this Act granted them, and shall
from thenceforth be" deemed and taken as Taxable Persons within
this Province, and be chargeable to pay such Levies or Taxes as are
or hereafter may be assessed on the Taxable Inhabitants within
this Province; any thing herein before contained to the contrary
thereof, in any wise, notwithstanding.
This Act to continue, from the Twenty Fifth Day of March,
which shall be in the Year of our Lord Seventeen Hundred and
Twenty Seven, until the Twenty Fifth Day of March, which shall
be in the Year of our Lord Seventeen Hundred and Thirty Seven.
Chap. VI
[Wm Parks
1727, p. 295!
An Act for Dividing Part of St. John's Parish in Prince George's
County; and for Erecting Part thereof into a new Parish.
Whereas it is represented to this present General Assembly, by
the Parishioners of St. John's Parish aforesaid, That the said
Parish is of too large Extent to be served by one Minister, the said
Parish being about Four-score Miles in Length, and Twenty in
Breadth, consisting of Thirteen Hundred and Thirty Six Taxables,
the Forty per Poll whereof amounts to Fifty Three Thousand Four
Hundred and Forty Pounds of Tobacco, besides Perquisites. And
therefore the said Parishioners of St. John's Parish aforesaid, hum-
bly prayed, that the said Parish might be divided in Manner fol-
lowing, viz. That Piscattaway and New- Scotland Hundreds, con-
taining about Seven Hundred and Ninety One Taxables, which
yield Thirty One Thousand Six Hundred and Forty Pounds of
Tobacco per Annum, besides Perquisites, be hereafter reputed and
taken as the full Extent of St. John's Parish aforesaid; and that
Eastern-Branch, Rock-Creek and Pattowmack Hundreds, contain-
ing about Five Hundred and Forty Five Taxables, and yielding