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Oath of an Attorney.
You A. B. shall swear you will do no Falshood nor Deceit, nor
consent to any to be done in this Court: And if you know of any
to be done, you shall give Knowledge thereof to the Chief Justice
of this Court, that it may be reformed: You shall delay no Man,
for Lucre or Malice: You shall not, wittingly or willingly, en-
crease or receive any Fees, by your self, or any other, (except in
capital Cases) either in Money Sterling, Bills of Exchange, current
Money, Tobacco, or by any other Means whatsoever, either as an
Attorney, Chamber-Counsellor, Counsellor at Law, Barrister, or
under any other Denomination of the Law whatsoever, for Advis-
ing, Titleing, Drawing Declaration, Pleading, general or special
Retainer, or any other Service whatsoever in the Law, done, had or
advised to be done or had, for the Services aforesaid, or thereto in
any wise relating, in any of the Courts of Record, Court of Chan-
cery, or other Court or Courts, Jurisdiction or Jurisdictions, estab-
lished in this Province, any greater or other Fee, Gift, Gratuity or
Reward, than such Fee or Fees as are established and enumerated
by an Act of Assembly, entituled, An Act to restrain the evil Prac-
tices of Attorneys; and to prevent their Taking Money-Fees; and
to ascertain what Fees shall be allowed to the Practitioners in the
Law, who shall attend the Circuit Courts: But in all Things be
conformable to the Act aforesaid. You shall plead no foreign Plea,
nor sue any foreign Suit, unlawfully to hurt any Man; but such as
shall stand with the Order of the Law, and your Conscience: You
shall not wittingly nor willingly sue nor procure to be sued, any
false Suit, nor give Aid or Consent to the same, on Pain of being
expulsed from the Court for ever; And further, you shall use and
demean your self in the Office of an Attorney, within this Court,
according to your Learning and Discretion. So help you God.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Consent
aforesaid, That any Person or Persons, Inhabitants of this Prov-
ince, who, from and after the End of this present Sessions of Assem-
bly, shall have Occasion to advise with any Attorney or Attorneys,
Counsellor or Counsellors in the Law whatsoever, or to commence,
prosecute or implead any Person or Persons whatsoever, in any
Action or Actions, or to defend him, her or themselves, from any
Action or other Process whatsoever, before any Court or Courts,
Jurisdiction or Jurisdictions of this Province, the Plaintiff at the
Return of such Writ, or before Tryal of the said Cause, shall be
obliged to take the following Oath, (or Affirmation, if a Quaker)