p. 2
They return and Say they delivered ..... Colo Ward & Benja-
min Tasker Esqr from the upper House [with] [Geo.] Plater Gent
the Clk of the Uppr House Enter the House and Administer the
Severall Oaths appointed by Act of Assembly to the severall Mem-
bers aforementioned who Severally took the same and Subscribed
the same as also the Test, and withdrew
Jno Rousby and Nicholas Low Esqrs from the upper House ac-
quaint the House that his Honr the Govr requires their Attendance
in the Upper House mediately.
Thereupon the Severall Members afd go to the Uppr House where
his Honr the Governr requires them to return to their own House
and make Choice of a Speaker in the Room of Robert Ungle Esqr
They return and proceed to the Choice of a Speaker & by the
Majority of Voices Elect the Honourable John Mackall Esqr for
their Speaker and Place him in the Chair.
Thereupon Collo Greenfield & Coll: Maxwell are Sent to the
Upper House to acquaint his Honour the Governour of the Choice
of a Speaker. Coll: Holland & Jno Hall Esqr from the Upper
House, acquaint the Several Members that His Honour the Gov-
ernour requires them to Present their Speaker & to Attend him
Instantly in the Upper House.
Thereupon Collo Greenfield & Collo Maxwell are Desired to Pre-
sent their Speaker who Go with the whole House to the Upper
House & there Present their Speaker to his Honour the Govr who
(after Mr Speaker had Endeavour'd to Excuse himself from Serv-
ing in that Station) was Pleas'd to Approve of the Choice and then
Mr Speaker in the name of the whole House Desired his Honr the
Governour on his Lddps Behalf to Confirm all the Ancient & Accus-
tomed Priviledges belonging to the said House, which his Honour
was Pleased to Grant.
After which his Honour the Governour on his Lpps Behalf De-
liver'd the following Speech Viz: [The text of this speech will be
found at page 4.]