Be it therefore Enacted and Declared, That where Copies of
Declarations are served, or left according to the Directions of the
said Act, and no sufficient Cause shewn for an Imparlance, and that
the Defendant should plead a Matter of Fact, which is required to
be done at the Appearance-court; that then, and in such Case, the
Fact shall be tryed at the First Assizes that shall happen after the
Appearance-court, in the County where the Fact hath arisen, or
shall arise; except where it shall be found Necessary to change the
Venue: Any Law, Usage or Custom to the contrary, notwith-
And be it further Enacted, That any Action now depending in
the Provincial-court, may be continued, if Need be, until October
Court Seventeen Hundred and Twenty Five; without being affected
by the Act limiting the Continuance of Actions.
And whereas by an Act of Assembly of this Province, entituled,
An Act for the Tryal of all Matters of Fact in the Counties where
they arise, it is particularly declared, That the Provincial-Courts
shall be held on the Third Tuesday in May and October Yearly,
which being a Time that now does, and hereafter may interfere
with the Sitting of Assemblies ;
Be it therefore Enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the
Justices of the Provincial Court, as often as they shall have special
Occasion for so doing, to adjourn the said Provincial Court from
the Days aforesaid, to any other convenient Time, as to them shall
seem meet: Any Act to the contrary, in any wise, notwithstanding.
This Act to continue so long as the Act for Trying Matters of
Fact in several Counties where they have arisen and shall arise.
p. 268
An Act for Erecting a Town at Joppa, in Baltemore County; and
for Securing the' Land whereon the Court-House and Prisons
are built, to the Use of the said County.
Whereas the Inhabitants of Baltemore County, have made ap-
pear to this Assembly, That a Publick Court-House and Prison
have been erected at Joppa, in the said County, at their Expence;
and that the Right of the Land is in a Minor under the Age of
Twenty One Years, who (altho' his Father Col. James Maxwell
hath received full Satisfaction for the said Land) cannot convey
the same: And for that the said Inhabitants have likewise set forth
and made appear that the Business of that County is greatly delay'd
and obstructed by the want of some convenient Places of Enter-
tainment, at or near the said Court-House, the Officers thereof, and
Suitors thereto being obliged to go a great Distance for necessary
Accommodation, and lie under several other Inconveniencies, that
the Erecting of a Town at the said Place would probably remove :
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietor, by and with the Advice and Consent of His Lordship's
Chap. XVI
[Wm Parks
1727, p. 270;
mented by
1737, ch. n]