where the Sheriff shall direct, not being more inconvenient to the
Debtor than the Sheriff's House; or if the Creditor and Debtor both
live out of the same County, then such Tender and Payment to be
made at the House of the Sheriff, or where the Sheriff shall appoint
in the County, being equally convenient to the Debtor with the
Sheriff's House.
Provided also, that any Person taking a false Oath or Test in any
the Cases aforesaid, shall suffer as Persons convict of corrupt and
wilful Perjury. This Act to endure for Three Years, and to the
End of the next Sessions of Assembly after the Three Years.
An Act for continuing all Causes in the High Court of Appeals,
from the Court that was appointed to be held in July, Seventeen
Hundred and Twenty Two, for the Time therein mentioned.
Whereas by the Act of Assembly of this Province, for Limiting
the Continuance of Actions in the several Courts within this Prov-
ince, and ascertaining the Manner of taking the Evidence of Sea-
faring Men, and for granting Appeals from the Chancery-Court to
the Governour and Council, no Cause is suffered to continue therein
longer than Four Courts from the Court of Appearance.
And whereas the Prolixity of some Causes in the Court of Ap-
peals next preceeding July Court aforesaid, prevented the same
Court from finishing what Business then depended, which was
thereupon continued to July Court last, which was the last Court,
that one or more of those Causes could be continued, without trans-
gressing the aforesaid Act. And forasmuch as a sufficient Num-
ber of the Members of that Court did not then meet to proceed to
Business, the Causes then depending could not be heard, nor regu-
larly continued according to the strict Rules of Law, so that the
Parties may be in Danger of suffering, without their Default: For
Prevention whereof,
Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of His Lordship's Governour,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly of this Province,
and the Authority of the same, That all Actions that were depend-
ing in the High Court of Appeals, 'till July last, be and stand in all
Circumstances, and to all Intents and Purposes, fully continued to
the End of the second Court of Appeals that shall sit to do Business
after this present General Assembly; any Discontinuance or Want
of Continuance, or other Defect therein, or any Thing in the said
Act for Limiting the Continuance of Actions, in any wise notwith-
Chap. VII
to Session
Laws of
1727, printed
by Wm
An Act for the Continuance of Process in Baltemore County Court.
Whereas the Business depending in Baltemore County, in August
last, could not be determined, and that the Justices of that County
Chap. XI
[See note to
ch. VII]