An Act Reviving, An Act of Assembly of this Province, Entituled,
An Act for Encouragement of Tillage, and Relief of Poor Debt-
ors, and for Supplying some Defects therein.
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietor, by
and with the advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governour, and
the Upper and Lower-Houses of Assembly, and by the Authority
of the same, That the above-mentioned Act, entituled, An Act for
Encouragement of Tillage, and Relief of poor Debtors, Made at a
Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis the
twenty sixth Day of April, Anno Domini One Thousand Seven
Hundred and fifteen, Be and is hereby Revived and continued in full
Force from and after this Present Session of Assembly, for and
during the term of three Years, and until the end of the next Ses-
sion of Assembly, which shall first happen after the end of the said
three years, and no longer.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, advice and Consent
aforesaid, That all and every Person or Persons who shall be de-
sirous of taking the benefit of the Act aforementioned, shall before
the discharge of his, her or their Body, by Virtue of that Act, first
make his, her or their Corporals Oath, to be to him, her or them
administred by one Justice of the Provincial, or two of the County-
Court, that he, she or they have not nor had at the time of his, her
or their being taken, in Execution, the particular Specie, for which
he, she or they were prosecuted, and then under Execution, or any
part thereof, more than what he, she or they will pay to his, her or
their Creditor or Creditors, if he, she or they think fit to accept
And be it further Enacted, That in case any Person or Persons
so taking the benefit of the Act aforesaid, shall perjure themselves
before such Provincial or County Justices, and be thereof Convict,
he she or they shall undergo the like pains and Penalties as Persons
Convict of Wilful and Corrupt Perjury.
Chap. XI
printed by
for Evan
Jones, 1719,
p. 232; re-
vives 1715,
ch. 17]
p. 233
An Act for Limitation of Officers Fees.
Be it Enacted by the Right Honorable the Lord Proprietor, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governour and
the Upper and Lower-Houses of Assembly and the Authority of the
same, That from and after the Publication hereof, no Officer or
Officers hereafter mentioned in this present Act, their Ministers,
Servants or Deputies, by reason or Colour of his or their Office or
Offices, have receive or take of any Person or Persons, directly or
indirectly, any other Fees than by this Act is hereafter Limited and
allowed to the several Officers hereafter mentioned.
printed by
for Evan
Jones, 1719,
p. 238; con-
tinued by
1723, ch. 23,
I and 1724, ch.
21; expired