532 Assembly Proceedings, 1714-1726.
same City, wherein Anne Arrundel County Court was then held, and
the Justices of the same County in fall County Court then and there
sitting, and very many People, suitors to the said County Court at-
tending thereon, as well as other of his Majesties Liege Subjects,
the aforesaid thirteenth day of August, in the Year aforesaid, did
Maliciously and Falsely, directing his Discourse to the aforesaid
Justices, Suitors, and others then and there attending the same
County Courts, publish and declare, and then and there say, That
the Governour (his said Excellency John Hart, Esq; meaning) had
shook his Whip (the Horse Whip of his said Excellency the Gover-
nour, meaning) at him (the said Thomas Macnamara meaning)
and that he (the said Governour meaning) had laid his Hand (the
Hand of the said John Hart, Esq; aforesaid, meaning) upon his
Sword (the Sword of his said Excellency John Hart, Esq; Gover-
nour, meaning) and that if any one made such a Complaint to him
(himself the said Thomas Macnamara meaning) as a Justice or
Magistrate, He (the said Thomas Macnamara, meaning) would
issue his Warrant (the Warrant of the same Thomas Macnamara
meaning against the said Governour meaning) to the great deroga-
tion of the Dignity and Authority of his Lordship's said Governour
John Hart, Esq; to the manifest Contempt of the Right Honour-
able the aforesaid Lord Proprietary, and of his said Commission and
Authority to his said Excellency John Hart, Esq; granted, as afore-
said; and to the Evil, Example of many others, Offenders in the like
Case; and against his Lordships Peace, good Rule and Government.
W. Bladen, Attor. Gener.
Endors'd Billa vera, Samuel Chambers, Fore-man
p. 225
Maryland ss.
The Jurors for Our Lord the King that now is, &c. And the Right
Honourable the Lord Proprietary of this Province, upon their
Oathes do present, That Thomas Macnamara, late of the City of
Annapolis in Anne Arundel County, Esq; otherwise called Thomas
Macnamara of the County of Anne- Arundel, Esq; the twentieth day
of May in the Third Year of the Dominion of the said Lord Pro-
prietary, at Anne-Arundel County aforesaid, being the Agent or
Attorney of Maurice Birchfield, Esq; Surveyour General of the Cus-
toms of our said Sovereign Lord the King, in the Southern District
of America, and by him the said Maurice Employed to Recover and
Receive divers Sums of Money from divers People within this Prov-
ince, in the name of the said Surveyor General, for the use of our
said Lord the King, and particularly from a certain Abraham Birk-
head of the aforesaid County Planter, the Sum of fifty six Pounds
ten Shillings and four pence Sterling, with the lawful Interest there-
upon, due from the fifth day of December, in the Year of our Lord