affronted the Governour and Chancellor of this Province, publickly
in the Execution of his Office; and altho' required by the Right
Honourable the Lords Baltemore and Guilford to make a reasonable
Submission for such his Offence, has wilfully declined it, altho' his
Excellency was pleased to give him, with great Tenderness, a hand-
some Opportunity of doing it, which gives sufficient Testimony of
the said Macnemara's continued Resolution to persist in the Justifi-
cation of his ill Conduct; which sundry Magistrates of the best Es-
teem have declared themselves, by their Representation in Writing
to this present General Assembly, so Uneasy under, that they will no
longer continue in their Stations, if so Turbulent and Insolent a Per-
son be allowed to practice before them. All which Actions, and
many more (some whereof he has been Convict of, and others been
acquitted from, by his Management of Juries, and Subtilty in the
Law) too tedious to enumerate, are of so Haughty and daring a
Nature, that the Honour of the Government cannot be supported,
nor the Magistrates be safe and easy in the Execution of Justice,
nor the Peace of this Province preserved, unless some Remedy be
provided, not only for the Discouragement of him the said Thomas
Macnemara, but all others of the like Demeanour: It is therefore
Humbly prayed that it may be Enacted,
And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprie-
tary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Gover-
nour, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and by the
Authority of the same, That the several Magistrates in this Prov-
ince be and are hereby required to observe, with Strictness, the De-
meanour of all Practitioners, before them, as well' as others, who
shall use any undecent Liberties, to the Lessening the Grandure of
the respective Courts; and be and are hereby required and impow-
ered to discountenance and punish the same, by Suspension or Fine,
at their Discretion, not exceeding One Thousand Pounds of To-
bacco for any one Offence, on pain of being Censured by the Legis-
lature of this Province, for Neglect of their Duties, in suffering his
Lordship's the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary's Authority
to be trampled on, and giving up the Dignity thereof.
And be it likewise Enacted, That the said Thomas Macnemara,
for his continued ill Practices, be, and is hereby from henceforth dis-
abled from practising the Law as Council. Attorney. Sollicitor, or
otherwise, in any Court of Judicature within this Province, any
Law, Statute or Usage to the contrary, notwithstanding. Saving
to the said Macnemara a Liberty to Finish all such Actions as are
now depending, wherein it appears by Record he is actually con-
cerned for any Person or Persons, on behaving himself decently,
except in the Chancery Court, wherein he has been already Sus-
pended in all Cases, save those that relate to the Crown.