of and Determine the Matter in Controversy, Therefore this Present
General Assembly do humbly pray that it may be Enacted,
And be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprie-
tary, by and with the advice and consent of his Lordship's Gover-
nour, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Au-
thority of the same, That nine Persons in each respective County of
this Province, who are the best Skilled in the Art of Surveying, and
best acquainted with the Nature and Design of antient Surveys, and
of the best Reputation of the County ( none of them being surveyors
of the County) such as the Governour and Council, for the time be-
ing, shall think proper, shall be Commissioned and Impowered
under the great Seal Used in this Province, by the Governour, for
the time being which Commissioners by virtue of such Commission,
and the Authority of this Act, are required to take the Oaths ap-
pointed by Law, and subscribe the Oath of Abjuration and Test,
before any Persons qualified to Administer the same, as likewise
the following Oath,
I A. B. do Swear, That I will justly and truly execute the Powers
and Authorities in this Act contained, according to the best of My
Knowledge, without Favour or Affection to any of the parties con-
cerned, So help me God.
And to meet at their several and respective Court Houses the
Second Day of every County-Court, to receive the Petitions (which
must be in Writing) of all Persons that shall have Occasion to make
Application to them, for the ascertaining the Bounds of any Land
lying within such County; Provided, That the Party complaining
or Petitioning Twenty Days before Preferring such Petition, shall
have given due Notice to all Persons that are any ways Interested
or concerned in the Bounds of such Land, by setting up Notes at
the Court-House Door, and parish Church where the Land lies,
Certifying the Time when such Party Designs to make Application
to the Commissioners, at which Time and Place all Persons con-
cerned in the Dispute about the Bounds of such Land, both Com-
plainants and Defendants are required to meet, and in the Presence
of the Commissioners then present to make Choice of any Number
of the aforesaid Commissioners, not being less than three, to deter-
mine the Matter in Controversie and Dispute between them con-
cerning such Bounds of their Land, such Choice to be Noted and
Certifyed on the back of such Petition by the Commissioners then
Present, which Number of Commissioners being mutually chosen
by the parties Contending, and certifyed as aforesaid, shall proceed
to appoint a Day, make Publick Declaration thereof, the Day of the
making such Choice, and Order Notes to be set up at the Court-
House Door, and Parish Churches, Mills, and most frequented