And whereas his present Lordship, the Right Honourable Charles
Lord Baron of Baltemore, since the Decease of his noble Father,
the late Lord Benedict has signify'd to this present General Assem-
bly, his Willingness to accept of an Additional Duty of Six Pence
Sterling per Hogshead, in full Satisfaction of his Quit-Rents and
Fines for Alienations that shall arise or grow due within this Prov-
ince, during the Continuance of this Act, which is thought by the
General Assembly to tend to the Good of the Generality of the
poorer sort of Planters, and especially of those Orphans who hold
Lands within this Province.
Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of His Lordship's Governour, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and by the Authority of
the same, That from and after this present Session of Assembly,
there shall be raised, levyed, collected and paid for every Hogshead
of Tobacco which shall be Shipped in any Ship or Vessel, to be Ex-
ported out of this Province, or any the Territories, Islands, Ports,
Rivers, Creeks or Places thereto belonging, the Sum of Two Shil-
lings Sterling, and for every Hundred Weight of Tobacco Exported
in Box, Chest, Barrel or Case, Four Pence Sterling, and so pro
Rato, for a greater or lesser Quantity, to his Lordship, the Lord
Proprietary, in full Discharge and Satisfaction of his Quit-Rents,
and Fines for Alienations, that shall arise or grow due within this
Province, from and after the End of this Session of Assembly.
And the said Duty of Two "Shillings Sterling per Hogshead, shall,
after the End of this present Session, be paid to such Officers as his
Lordship shall think fit to appoint to receive or collect the same, by
the Master or Masters of every such Ship or Vessel respectively, in
which any such Tobacco shall be Exported, on or after this present
Session, during the Continuance of this Act, upon his or their Secur-
ing or taking out his or their Dispatch or Dispatches for every such
respective Ship or Vessel, and before the Departure of such Ship or
Vessel: And the Master or Masters of every such Ship or Vessel
coming into this' Province, shall at their first Arrival here, and be-
fore their Lading on Board any Goods or Commodities of the
Growth, Production or Manufacture of this Province, give good and
sufficient Security for the Payment thereof, as is herein before di-
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Act of Assembly of this Province, entituled, An Act ascertaining
the Gauge and Tare of Tobacco Hogsheads, and to prevent Crop-
ping, Cutting and Defacing Tobacco taken on Board Ships or Ves-
sels upon Freight; and for laying an Imposition on Tobacco by the
Hogshead, for the Support of Government, and for the encourag-
ing Settlements in this Province, by ascertaining the Manner of
paying his Lordship's Alienation Fines and Quit-Rents, for the