An Act Reviving and Continuing an Act of Assembly of this Prov-
ince, entituled An Act for the Ordering and Regulating the Mili-
tia of this Province, for the better Security and Defence thereof,
and for Supplying some Defects therein.
Be it Enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and
with the Advice and Consent of her Majesty's Governour, Council
and Assembly of this Province, and the Authority of the same,
That the above-mentioned Act, entituled, An Act for Ordering and
Regulating the Militia of this Province, for the better Security and
Defence thereof, made at a General Assembly begun and held at
the Port of Annapolis, the Fifth Day of December, One Thousand
Seven Hundred and Four, be and is hereby Revived and Continued
in full Force and Strength for the Term of three Years, and until
the End of the first Session of Assembly that shall happen after
the End of the said three Years.
And whereas by the said Recited Act there is not Sufficient Pro-
vision made to Punish such Persons as shall Neglect to appear at
Musters, and who are Subject to some Fines, which Fines, by the
said receited Act, are only to be levied by Execution against the
Goods and Chatties of such Persons for their Contempt, which is
not so Effectual, as it would be if such Execution were as well to
be awarded against the Bodies of such Persons as their Goods.
Be it therefore Enacted by and with the Advice and Consent
aforesaid, That from and after the End of this present Session of
Assembly, where any Person or Persons, by the before-recited Act
are subject to be fined by any of the Collonels, Lieut. Collonels,
Majors or Captains, no Execution shall Issue against the Body or
Goods of such Person or Persons, but upon Complaint to the Col-
lonel, Lieut. Collonel and Major, or any two of them, where such
Offence is committed, and Complaint made, who upon Hearing the
Allegations of both parties shall give Judgement thereupon, and if
need require Issue Execution to the Sheriff of the County againsl
the Body or Goods of such Delinquent or Delinquents, for such Fine
Chap. Ill
Jones' com-
printed by
1718, p. 75,
1704, ch. 87 ;
ch. 1, II, IV,
V, of Acts
this Session
printed in
Vol. 29 of
beginning at
p. 439]