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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 473   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 473

shall be Sued for any Matter or Thing required of him to be done
by this Act; that then the said Christopher Gardiner, or the said
Sheriff, or either of them, whom it may concern, may enter a Com-
mon Appearance or Appearances, without Special Bail, to any such
Action or Actions as shall be brought against them, or either of
them, and plead thereto the General Issue; and give this Act, or the
Exemplification thereof with the special Matter thereon arising, in
Evidence. And that in Case the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, commenc-
ing and bringing such Action or Actions as aforesaid, shall be Non-


suit, the Defendant or Defendants, shall recover against him or

them, double Costs of Suit: Any Law, Statute, LTsag-e, or Custom

to the contrary, notwithstanding.
And be it further Enacted, That the Sheriff of the County afore-
said, shall, after such Surrender and Delivery up as aforesaid, give
publick Notice at the Churches, Court-Houses, and Mills, within
the said County, of some precise Time by him the said Sheriff and
the said Two Justices, to be appointed for the Distribution of the
said Christopher Gardiner, his Effects and Estate, not less than
Twenty Days after the Time of the making the said Surrender; and
shall then and there, in the Presence of Two such Justices as afore-
said, and by their advice and Directions, make Distribution of the
Estate of the said Christopher Gardiner, so as aforesaid to be sur-
render'd and deliver'd up, or transfer'd amongst such of his said
Creditors only, as shall then by themselves, or their lawful Attorney
or Attorneys, think fit to be present at such Distribution, by an equal
and proportionable Distribution thereof to every such Creditor, with
Respect had, and in Proportion to the Largeness of his or her Debt.
The Proceedings of the said Justices and Sheriff, in that Behalf, to
be certify'd to the Court of the County aforesaid, and there lodged
for the Perusal of any of the Creditors of the said Christopher Gar-
diner, that shall require the same, without any Fee to be paid
thereon, or for such lodging thereof. Saving the Right of the said
Lord Proprietary, His Heirs and Successors, and of all Bodies
Politick and Corporate.
Provided nevertheless, That in Case the said Christopher Gar-
diner, shall, at any Time after the making of such his oath, or taking
such Affirmation as aforesaid, be convict of wilful and corrupt Per-
jury thereupon, or a wilful Breach or Non-compliance with the
Tenour of such Oath or Affirmation as aforesaid, that then the said
Christopher Gardiner shall, upon such Conviction, be adjudged to
stand Two Hours in the Pillory, and have his Left Ear cut off, and
shall be wholly deprived of any Benefit designed him by this law
and shall be from henceforth liable to be prosecuted for any Debts
or Demands whatsoever, in the same Manner as if this Act had

p. 19

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1727-1729 With Appendix of Statutes, 1714-1726
Volume 36, Page 473   View pdf image (33K)
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