An Act for the Relief of Christopher Gardiner, a languishing
Prisoner in Baltemore County Goal.
Whereas, the said Christopher Gardiner, by his humble Petition
to this present General Assembly, hath set forth, That he has con-
tinued a Prisoner for Debt, in the Custody of the Sheriff of Balte-
more County aforesaid, for a considerable Time past; and still con-
tinues in the like deplorable Circumstances, not being able to redeem
his Body with all the Estate or Interest he hath in the World, which
he would readily surrender up and part with to his several and re-
spective Creditors, if they would accept of the same, and grant the
said Petitioner his Liberty. Which seems so unlikely for him to
obtain, that (unless reliev'd by a particular Act to be past in his
Favour, which by his said Petition he hath humbly prayed) he must
inevitably continue Prisoner for Life; and thereby his Family
utterly ruined. And for that, the Truth of the said Petitioner's
Allegations is made appear to this General Assembly, by sufficient
Testimony; and that the said Petitioner, and his Family, are fit Ob-
jects of Charity; and that his lying in Goal can be no Benefit to his
Creditors; It is humbly prayed that the said Petitioner may be re-
lieved according to his Prayer, and that it may be Enacted :
And be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprie-
tary, by and with the Advice and Consent of His Lordship's Gover-
nour, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
authority of the same, That unless all or any of the Creditor or Cred-
itors of the said Christopher Gardiner, or the Attorney or Attor-
neys, of such Creditor or Creditors aforesaid, within this Province,
shall, within Twenty Days after the End of this Sessions of Assem-
bly, go to the Sheriff of the aforesaid County of Baltemore, and
give good Security to pay the Imprisonment Fees of Ten Pounds
of Tobacco per Day, that shall or may become due from the said
Christopher Gardiner, after the End of the said Twenty Days.
And also to find the said Christopher Gardiner, sufficient Meat,
Drink, and Cloathing, during his future Imprisonment: In case he,
,the said Christopher Gardiner, shall deliver up and surrender, or
cause to be deliver'd up and surrendered to the Sheriff of Baltemore
County aforesaid, in the Presence of Two Justices of the Peace in
the said County; whom the said Sheriff is hereby required to sum-
mon, on the Request of the said Christopher Gardiner, at the dwell-
ing Plantation or Place, where (before the Imprisonment of the
Chap. XVI