Acts. 469
For William and Mary Parish, in Charles County, all the remain-
ing Part of the East and West Hundreds of Newport, not allotted
to Port-Tobacco Parish; together with the Upper and Lower Hun-
dreds already appertaining thereto.
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of His Lordship's
Governour, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and
the Authority of the same, That from and after the Thirtieth Day
of November next, the Bounds of the several Parishes within the
said herein before-mention'd Report, be and remain the undoubted
Bounds of the said several Parishes for ever: Any Law, Statute,
Usage, or Custom to the contrary thereof, notwithstanding.
An Act to encourage the Importation of Gold and Silver into this
Whereas the Effects of the Scarcity of Gold and Silver in this
Province, are very sensibly felt by the Inhabitants thereof; in
order therefore to give a suitable Encouragement to any Person
who shall import into this Province, any Quantity of Gold or
Chap. XV
Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of His Lordship's Governour,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority
of the same, That if any Person or Persons who shall be liable to
the Payment of any Duties or Impositions for any Goods or Com-
modities whatsoever, hereafter to be imported into this Province,
by Land or Water, or exported out of this Province, by Land or
Water, by Virtue of any Act of Assembly made or to be made, (ex-
cept such Rates and Duties as are due and payable to the Lord Pro-
prietary, or to the Governour of this Province, or appropriated to
the Colledge of Virginia,) shall pay and discharge the same Duties
and Impositions for any Goods to be imported as aforesaid, at the
Time of Entring the same, and for any Goods or Commodities to
be exported, at the Time of Clearing, in Silver or Gold Current
Money, at the Rates mentioned in an Act, Intituled, An Act for
settling the Rates of Foreign Silver Coins within this Province, and
willl the Difference of One Hundred Thirty Three Pounds Six
Shilling and Eight Pence Current Money in Gold and Silver, for
every One Hundred Pounds Sterling payable for the aforesaid
Duties (except as before excepted) and so in Proportion for a
greater or lesser Sum: The several Officer or Officers appointed
to receive such Rates, Duties, and Impositions are hereby required
and directed to allow to the Person or Persons making such Pay-
ment the Sum of Fifteen Pounds Current Money, out of every One
Hundred Pounds Current Money, and Fifteen Pounds Sterling out
p. 16