Persons in St. Luke's Parish, any Quantity of Tobacco, not exceed-
ing Thirty Thousand Pounds of Tobacco, for the building of a
Church in the said Parish: And it appearing to this General Assem-
bly, that Thirty Thousand Pounds of Tobacco is not sufficient to
erect a Church in said Parish: It also appearing that the Inhabi-
tants of St. Luke's Parish were assessed towards building or repair-
ing Two Brick Churches in St. Paul's Parish aforesaid, (one of
which Churches, and Part of the Parish, lies in Talbot County,)
whereof they now have no Benefit; and it being thought reasonable
that the Taxable Persons in St. Paul's Parish should contribute
something towards the building a Church in St. Luke's Parish,
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of His Lordship's
Governour, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the Justices of Queen Anne's, and the
Justices of Talbot County Courts, shall, and may, and are hereby
authorized and required to assess and levy Ten Pounds of Tobacco
per Poll, on the Taxable Persons in St. Paul's Parish, the next ensu-
ing Assessment or Time of laying the Levy, and Ten per Poll the
Year after; and which said Tobacco when assessed and levy'd, shall
be collected by the Sheriffs of Queen Anne's and Talbot Counties,
who are hereby authorized and directed to collect the same; and
such Sheriffs shall have Five per Cent, for collecting the eame; and
the said Tobacco when collected, shall be paid by the said Sheriffs,
to the Vestry and Church- Wardens of St. Luke's Parish, who are
hereby authorized and required to apply the said Tobacco towards
the building a Church in the said Parish of St. Luke's.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice, and Con-
sent aforesaid, That the Justices of Queen Anne's County Court,
shall Yearly and every Year, at the Time of laying the County
Levy, assess on the Taxable Persons in St. Luke's Parish aforesaid,
Ten per Poll, until there shall be Tobacco sufficient raised to com-
pleat the Church, over and above all other Assessments on the
Taxable Persons in the said Parish, to be collected, levy'd, paid,
and apply'd, as aforesaid; for Collection of which, the Sheriff shall
have Five per Cent.
p. 14
An Act concerning the Parishes in St. Mary's and Charles Counties.
Whereas, at a Session of Assembly begun and held at the City
of Annapolis, the Third Day of October, Seventeen Hundred and
Twenty Eight; an Act of Assembly was made, Intituled, An Act
for the better Regulating the Parishes in St. Mary's and Charles
Counties; whereby Power was given to the Persons therein named
Commissioners, to meet at the Time and Place therein also men-
tioned, for to regulate and divide the several Parishes in the said
Chap. XIV