We think it necessary to Continue our Claim to the 150 of
Tobacco p Day of long time passt allowed us for our Services as
Councellors of State which wee have been so Unhappy of late in
your Estimation as not to be thought worthy of
Signd p order Geo Plater Cl. Up. Ho.
The following message is prepared and sent by Benjamin Tasker
Esqr Viz.
By the Uper house of Assembly October the 28th 1727
The Act Prohibiting the Importacon of Bread Beer &c. from
Pensilvania being thought by this house a hardship upon Trade
and of no use or Service to the Country We therefore recommend
to the Consideration of your house whether the same ought not to
be repeal'd.
Signd p order Geo. Plater Cl. Up. Ho.
A Message from the Lower house by John Beale Esqr and three
By the Lower house of Assembly October the 28th 1727
May it Please your Honours
If your house will to prevent the Evills you mention Concerning
Officers fees pass a Bill for the Limitation of them according to
the last Regulation for a year from the end of this Session we shall
agree to it And as to the Ordinary Keepers we apprehend the En-
glish Laws are Sufficient to punish them for any Irregularity's
they shall Committ if your Honours do not agree to these Pro-
posalls things must Continue as they are untill another Session our
House haveing resolved not to come into any other measures at
Signd p order M. Jenefer Cl. Lo. Ho.
Read the Bill for Releife of John Clements of Dorchester County
Ordered that the said Bill be thus Endors'd Viz.
By the Upper house of Assembly October the 28th 1727
Read the first and second time by Especiall order and will Pass.
Sign'd p order Geo: Plater Cl. Up. Ho.