438 Assembly Proceedings, July 10-August 8, 1729.
L. H. J.
John Hall Esqr from the Upper House delivered to Mr Speaker
the following Message Viz. [The text of this message is printed at
page 561.]
The Bill Entituled a Supplementary Act to the Act Entituled an
Act for emproving the Staple of Tobacco &ca Was read the first and
Second time by an Especial order and Passed and sent to the Upper
House with the following Message Viz. [The text of this message
is printed at page 361.]
p. in
By Mr Beale and five more who return and say they went to De-
liver the said Message and bill but Could not the Upper House hav-
ing Adjourned.
The House Adjourns untill Monday Morning at 8 of the Clock.
August 4
Monday Augt the 4th 1729
The House met according to Adjournment. The Members were
Called over and all Present as on Saturday Except Mr Gordon, the
Proceedings of Saturday were read.
p. 112
The Message and Bill that were Sent to be Delivered on Saturday
were Sent to day by Mr Beale & five more. Who return and Say they
Delivered the Same.
On Reading the Bill Entituled an Act reviving & Continuing an
Act Entituled an Act to restrain the ill Practices of Attorny's &c.
the second time the Question was Put whether the said Bill should
Pass or that it should be sent to the Upper House not Passed with a
Message. Resolved that the said Bill should Pass.
Which Bill was Accordingly Indorsed and Sent to the Upper
House by James Hollyday Esqr and Mr George who return and Say
they Delivered the Same.
Mr Waughop hath Leave of the House to go home.
The Ingrossed Bill against Ingrossers & Regrators, and the In-
grossed Bill Entituled an Act for the Releif of Christopher Gardiner
a Languishing Prisoner in Baltemore County Gaol were Severally
read and Assented to by this House and Sent to the Upper House
with the paper Bills thereof by Mr Samuel Hanson and Mr Magruder
who return and Say they Delivered the same.
The following Message Viz. [The text of this message is printed
at page 364.]
p. 113
Was sent to the Upper House by Mr Worthington and Mr Thomp-
son with the bill Entituled an Act for the releif of Thomas Worsley
Who return and Say they Delivered the same.
The Bill Entituled an Act to prevent rigorous Prosecutions on
Sherriffs Testamentary Administration and Deputy Commissarys